Twins: Wait for natural labor or consent to elective cesarean at 38 weeks gestation?


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2014
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I'm currently 35 weeks pregnant with dc/da twins and during my antenatal visit after my growth scan yesterday, my consultant booked me for an elective cesarean in 3 weeks.

Apparently, statistically there are more risks of low birth weight and stillbirth associated with carrying past 38 weeks with a twin pregnancy due to the placentas become inefficient and starting to calcify after that time.

However, there is contradicting information too which states that we're more likely to create more problems with our mistrust of mother nature. And that letting babies decide when they're ready provides the best outcome. That the risks associated with going past week 38 are results of insufficient studies. That more women have successfully delivered healthy twins when allowing them to go past 38 weeks if that's what their bodies were designed to do. Most twin pregnancies don't last till week 37 but each and every woman and pregnancy is different. The conflicting side also argues that if a woman is going over the average gestation for a twin pregnancy it is more likely down to the those particular babies adding the finishing touches to their brain and lung development rather than an anomaly occuring.

What do you all think? Would you follow a blanket protocol or would you trust your body?

At the end of the day, no one can force me into a c-section and I can refuse at any time even if a date is set. But I would not want to be making a mistake by putting myself and my babies at risk either way.
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I know a few people who have had twins naturally and none of them made it to 38 weeks!

Is it the c-section that you are unsure about, or the thought of having them early? Would you perhaps consider an induction instead of a section? Or ask to have the section at 40 weeks?
Getting to 35 weeks with twins is amazing

But really only you can decide what risks you're willing to take with your babies. There's no right answer.

Personally, modern medicine has put time limits on these things to give mum and baby/babies the best chance of a good outcome. So I would follow the advice to deliver at 38 weeks. However, I would definitely discuss the pros and cons of perhaps having an induction with the midwife/specialist for a more natural experience compared to a c section. But that's just a personal choice, in the same way I'm not keen on going over 42 weeks with my own pregnancy - which is 1 week away right now.
Thanks ladies. The reason I can't have an induction is because I've had 2 previous c-sections. I've also had a vaginal birth with my first baby so I'm no stranger to natural delivery. However, the hospital has a policy not to induce after 2 previous cesarean as this greatly increases the risk of uterine rupture. That said, they agreed that if there aren't any complications, I can try for a vba2c without induction if I go into labor before 38 weeks even though my consultant made a point of telling me that he, for the record, didn't recommend it.
My friend is having identical twin boys, they are in the same sac. She's trying to have them natural, originally she was told c-section but they have changed there mind at the hospital xx
Hia. My husbands mum is a twin. It's a good old family story - his grandma didn't know she was having twins until the delivery room when the doctor announced there was a second baby in there! She went her whole pregnancy without knowing she was having twins - not one midwife or doctor worked it out. She already had a son by this point - so pregnancy wasn't an unknown to her either.

She went full term. Went into labour naturally. And had no medical intervention at all and both twins (separate sacs) were born in perfect health at good weights - around the 6lb - 6.5lb mark each!! She tells me that nowadays mothers just know too much, and doctors involve themselves in matters that would work out fine. Back in those days you didn't have scans or all this information.

As much as I love this story and it makes me a wimp for moaning about my one baby pregnancy etc, I very much like having medical expertise around me. So if your doctors recommend a specific plan for you then I suspect it is built on statistics for best outcomes. Think you should trust your instincts and go with what plan you feel more comfortable with. Same as single baby Births - you can have your plan and then it can all go to pot last minute of intervention is needed.

Good luck though, twins will be lots of fun :-)! Xx

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