twins miscarriage.


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Aug 22, 2012
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hi ladies,

i'm new to this site, just need to talk people understand me.

I had a miscarrige about a month a go, I was pregnant with twins bpy/girl, i got 21 weeks, everything before that was fine, the morning sickness was going, i felt amazing, i was so excited and happy that i couldn't wish for anything more, i felt so much love in my heart, i used to talk to my twins and call them ''mummy's little monkeys'', i could feel them moving around, it was so profound to think i had 3 hearts beating inside, i've never loved anything as much as i loved my babies, then i had my 20 week scan everything was fine, they were growing, no abnormalties, everytime i went to a scan i used to well up with tears of joy, the the next day about 4pm i started getting pains coming and going, i try to ignore it and thought it would go away but it didn't my boyfriend came back from work about 7pm and i told time i keep getting theses pains and they keep coming and going and he said try to relax and it'll go away and i said i've never felt so much pain in my life and then he said you're over egging it. i had arranged to meet my friend that night, she was running late but i thought i'd still meet her cause she's had a kid, she should be able to tell me if this is normal pain or not, and my boyfriend was stressing me out more cause he wouldn't believe that i was in pain so i went on the bus and the last thing my boyfriend said was please don't make you friend sit will you in a&e all night, yh he can be just an insentive jerk sometimes lol so i meet my friend at 9pm and she said you okay and i told her and she said i'll give you some painkiller and it's just growing pains, so we went to her flat and the pains were getting worst, even after i took the painkillers, she kept saying no to panick and that it would go away, so i just ignored it, she keep talk about stuff and then about 11pm i felt like i needed to pee so i thought i'd wait for her to finish what she was saying then go to the toilet, as i got up, my pants were wet and i went to the toilet and i wiped and there was blood, and she was still telling me not panick and it really pissed me off, so i asked her to called call an ambulance and she did, they came and took me to the hospital i was with cause of my notes, which took ages, and the pain was getting worst, they gave me gas and air. when i got to the hospital, the nurse told me my cervix was full dialated and they was nothing they could get me to stop labour, i said no no please it's too early, i begged god to help. i was in so much agony, then my little boy sean was born at 4.23am, he came out easly, the nurse cleaned him up and said because it's before 24 they can't save the babies, so he took one breath and died, she said if i wanted to see him, i wasn't sure, then i looked at him and he was the spiting image of my boyfriend, same lips, face, feet and hands, i cried and said i'm so sorry, then i got on the bed and my little girl was coming, she came out with her arm first and her head and shoulders were stuck, she took ages, my little girl siobhan was born at 7.45am, she was already dead. i fell asleep and woke up crying and confused. the next day i left and walk to the train station and went home, the next week was a blur and i screamed and cried so much, i know if i had gone to the hospital earlyer they might have still not been able to stop it but they could have tried and i didn't feel i was supported properly, it was like dumb and dumber that night lol i feel anger at the hospital for not trying to save babies before 24 weeks and now they want me to register my son's death but not my daughters cause he was showing signs of life, how can they not be viable before 24 weeks ands still expect you to register the death, they were twins and it feels wrong to register one and not the other. this is the worst pain i have ever felt in my life, my family and friends have tried to be supportive but i feel like i'm being patorniozed and they don't know how it feels so how can they time me its gonna be okay. i feel like my heart in in pieces and i'm trying to be strong, it just hurts so bad. please if theres anything that helps? please let me know. thank you. xxxxx
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Oh honey my heart goes out to you it truely does what a most horrific experience you have had to go through! Nobody should have to! Use hear to express your grief and heartache just getting it out can help and everyone in here knows what it feels like to be broken.

Its so easy to say but its best not to over analyze the what if scenarios. You really can send you off on a tailspin. Take each day at a time, grieve, cry, shout and scream. Make sure you do get support and counselling if it helps. In terms of your oh its possible he could be 'putting on a brave face' and blaming himself. Its so important to talk to one another and to your friend.

I want to send you a big hug! Xxx ladies are amazing with advice on here! Take care'
Oh gosh, my heart breaks for you, what a traumatic experience you've been through. I can't offer much advice as my mc was very early on but i do wish you lots of love and success in the future and I hope you feel able to grieve properly, in your own time and with the support of friends and family. Big hugs. X
I'm so so sorry for your losses, and what an awful experience you have been through. SANDS (the charity) provide forms of certificate for babies born before 24 weeks gestation, i know its not the same but you could maybe get one for your son and daughter when the time is right? I hope you have some form of support around you, you don't have to be strong and the last thing you need is being told everything's gonna be ok. give yourself time to cry, talk, and grieve. If you ever want to chat to anyone or need any advice please feel free to message me, i lost my baby boy in april your not alone hun xxx
Hi Moonshine,

I am so sorry to read your story. IT HURTS LIKE HELL! I cant imagine what you are going through although I am just going through my second MC right now (one MC straight after the other). I hope you find some peace soon............
BIG HUG!! xx
Oh Hun, that sounds absolutely awful! I'm so sorry that you had to experience something as traumatic as this.
Big hugs to you xxx
I'm so sorry for your heartbreaking loss. There are no words I can say. Just know we are all here for you to support you and to hurt with you. I'm not gonna lie, it's a long road hun :(

Take all the time you need to grieve, and don't let anybody rush you through it. Your family are most likely just looking for a solution to your pain simply because they care, although they may not realise this is frustrating to you - because really there is no solution.

So sorry to you hun, big hugs to you and your little ones :hugs:

so sorry for your loss hun. can't even begin to imagine what your going through xx

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