
Who could possibly even think about sleep when Taylor Lautner is parading around with no shirt, eh?!

Who could possibly even think about sleep when Taylor Lautner is parading around with no shirt, eh?!

I could quite easily actually! Robert Pattinson however... Mmmmmmmmmmm! Scrummy! x
Have you heard Rob P's singing voice? Mega drool!!
Tomorrow night eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!
I get all giddy when I see the trailers on tv haha!
10 hours and 20 mins until i'm sat in the cinema with my HUGE popcorn and MONSTER diet coke! Cant wait!! :D I'm like a kid at Christmas! Lass I know went to see it last night and she said it was by far the best of the 3! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!! Excited much?! lol Xx
I'm soooo jealous!!!!
I might make the OH take me to see it after all...... :D
Well i did stay awake and I can say it was amazing! I loved it. Cant wait to see it again.

I suffered today big time for it though.
I watched it last night, even though I was knackered I managed to stay awake and loved it.
Definately worth the fact that I can not walk now :( (due to extreme water retention in my feet and legs.
Might see if I can go and watch it again before the baby is born
i went to the midnight showing last night, was AMAZING! its great how close the films are to the books!

only problem was all the teenage girls kept turning around and giving OH dirty looks because his snoring was so loud PMSL!

defo worth watching :)
AMAZING!!!! :D Cant wait to see it again!!

We went at 11.20pm and as OH was out for the night I didn't sleep well (I don't on my own :() so i've literally just got up now! How lazy am i?! lol! X
Aaaaah i looove twilight, gotta say i prefer the books but how hot is Taylor Lautner!! mmmmmm x

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