Tummy Time Questions


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2011
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Just wanted some advice on tummy time with my LO... Francesca is now 12 weeks old and can hold her head up fine (has been able to for about 3/4 weeks now) and can hold her head up when i put her on her tummy on my chest... but for some reason when i put her on her front on her playmat or changing mat all she wants to do is eat it! Ive tried rattling toys in front of her but nothing seems to work.... its mouth open and tongue out until i lift her up again! Is this normal for a baby her age to do this or should she be able to do it by now? I know all babies are different and do things at their own pace but i just thought with her being able to hold her head up properly she might just be being lazy :) xx

I have no advice or info but I remember that my son hated tummy time so bad he wouldn't even tolerate it! He was like your daughter and could hold his head up fine, he was pulled out of me holding his head up lol, but on his tummy he would lay flat and just complain!!
Maybe she is just being a diva then! Like i said shes fine on my chest but put her on a mat and she just wants to eat it and do a bit of planking!
lol@planking :rofl:

I know tummy time is good for them, but oz hated it so much some days he was literally down for about 2 mins max because he used to get so upset.

Even now when he's trying to get around, if he hands on his tummy it's like the end of the world lol He doesn't attempt to get up from his tummy he just gets upset immediately. Think I scarred him for life by enforcing it lol!!!
Considering they are babies... they defo have a mind of their own! He must just be really nosy like Francesca and want to see everything without any effort :)
Haha, when I put mine down for tummy time he used to fall into the deepest sleeps! Now he won't sleep on his back!
Poppy HATES tummy time. She's so nosey, and gets frustrated about not being able to see all around her. I lie her on her tummy across my lap and she's fine with that, probably because she can see much more as she's raised from the ground.
try putting a cushion under her chest to lift her off the floor a little x
Lucas used to hate tummy time at first until I did what rbryan suggested. Made such a difference and after a bit he didn't even need a cushion. He loves tummy time now as he can see everything going on. xx
I'm glad I read this as I've been worrying about it recently too! Ollie seems to hate being on his tummy on a mat but other than that he can hold his head up on my chest or sitting up and loves to try and stand and bounce on peoples laps. I wish the midwife had told me to start doing it as soon as he was born, maybe then he'd be used to it..or maybe he'll skip crawling and go straight to walking, he seems keen! I hope he doesn't get a flat head from being on his back too much :s

Gawd..SO much to worry about and so little time! x
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