Tummy sleeping, dummy and dribble!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2014
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I posted the other day about my son learning to roll and it upsetting his sleep dramatically. Well I have given up trying to put him back on his back and have been letting him sleep on his tummy. What does everyone do with regards to the dribbling? Within minutes the sheets are soaked and his head is just lying on the wet sheets. It doesn't seem to bother him but it bothers me having him lying on wet patches!! Also he spits his dummy out and lies flat on that as well, that's can't be comfy!! Had indents all on his face bless him....if I catch it before I go to bed I gently try and manoeuvre it away but sometimes he can be asleep lying on it for hours once we've gone to bed. I don't know what I'm really expecting people to say with advice as I do t think theirs anything you reallly can do....just don't want to be alone I guess 😉
hi not sure what to suggest but also trialling sleeping on tummy during naptime as she seems to sleep for longer...
My LO is loving tummy sleeping atm! He also lies on dummy and in dribble, I figure he's old enough to move himself if he's uncomfortable! On bad nights I will gently shift him further down the bed so at least he's out the dribble.

If your son is able to roll and can roll into these positions, he can roll himself out of them if he's uncomfortable. That's what I always think with my boy!

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