TTC with AI


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2018
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Hi guys, I'm new here so would love some support, tips, advice etc. This is a little embarrassing to write, but I'm sure it will resonate with at least someone.
I am ttc, just over 10 years after my little boy was stillborn at 39 +5. I split from his daddy and have been with my new partner nearly 10 years. He has problems with maintaining an erection, so it's contributed to us not having children yet, so we have decided to go with AI instead because he can still ejaculate. We tried it a few years ago, but went into it blindly with no luck. We've done the research properly this time, have everything ordered ready and know what we need to do. I'm a bit older at 35, but my periods are still regular and like clockwork, so hoping that it will be relatively straightforward. So yeah, any tips etc would be very much appreciated, thanks! :)
I have just got pregnant using AI. We used the syringe method. You need to chart so that you get to know when you ovulate and then dtd the couple of days before and during, either every other day or every day. You can use opks too...ClearBlue Advanced 4 day ones are good as you get lots of notice.

He needs to ejaculate into a sterile pot (you can buy them on ebay) and then using a needleless 10ml syringe (no rubber or latex) and some fertility friendly lube you insert the syringe (lying with hips on pillows). Some people warm the pot to liquify the semen, but to be honest if he's just done it it's pretty much liquid. I would leave the syringe in (unpressed) for 5 mins to let it get to the same temp. Then very slowly depress the syringe (too fast damages them). Keeping your hips up for 30 mins you can occasionally slowly rock from side to side (I did this the month I got pregnant). It helps if you have an orgasm within 30 mins too but is not essential.

When you suck the semen into the syringe, turn the syringe upside down and flick it and then push any bubbles out. You won't get them all out.

I didn't use any fertility lube that time, but you can use some. If so, use the syringe to insert some 10 mins before you put the semen in, and then you can use the same syringe to suck up the semen from the pot.

Make sure everything you buy is sterile and wrapped. Do NOT wash and reuse. You can get the syringes and pots pretty cheaply.

Some people attach a tube to the syringe but we didn't and it worked fine.

Good luck.

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