TTC tips


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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Here are a dozen tips for conceiving as recommended in "Getting Pregnant" by Laursen & Bouchez.

Anyone care to road test them?Number 10 is a new suggestion.

1. Make love with the lights on - Sunlight apparently encourages conception and now studies have found that artificial light also affects your fertility by encouraging regular cycles and keeping ovulation on schedule. In one study one woman was able to control her cycle by sleeping with the lights on for 3 months! Researchers believe that if you have sex with the lights on for several weeks, parrticularly using full spectrum bulbs which mimic sunlight, you can regulate ovulation and conception.

2. Make love between October and March - This can double your chances of getting pregnant! Egg quality increases in relation to changes in temperature, climate and light during these months.

3. Make love on your birthday - The fertility of some women is season-sensitive increasing around the time of your own birthday. Making love close to the day that you were born makes conception faster and easier.

4. Be turned on when you make love - Being sexually stimulated influences the flow of reproductive hormones. Studies show that 20-40 minutes of stimulating sxual caresses before DTD increases hormone levels and encourages fertility.

5. Don't make love under an electric blanket - The low voltage emissionsadversely affect fertility!

6. Make love close to the time of ovulation and avoid miscarriage - In a study of 965 women it was shown that the likelihood of miscarriage decreased when conception took place at the time of ovulation. When fertilisation occured after ovulation, the change of pregnancy was slim and the rate of miscarriage tripled because the eggs have begun to disintegrate.

7. Limit movement after intercourse - By staying in bed for 20-30 minutes after DTD (preferably on your back with a pillow below your pelvis) you encourage sperm to remain in the body and flow in the right direction. We know this one already!!

8. Use fast withdrawal - Research suggests that by withdrawing immediately after the first ejaculation, the male will increase sperm concentration and thereby improve chances of conception.

9. Retain sperm inside - Immediately after DTD, lightly press the labia together and hold for several minutes to keep everything in position. (Its the book thats saying this, not me!!)

10. Take Robitussin cough medicine - This contains an active ingredient guafenesin and helps thin the mucus in your lungs, but which also alters the CM making it thinner and better able to transport sperm. The book's author says "most of my patients who were unable to conceive solved their own fertility problem by using this simple method". Take 1 0r 2 teaspoons a day beginning 3-4 days before you want to conceive.

11. Avoid alcohol and drugs at the time of conception - We all know about this one.

12. Make love often - The obvious really.

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