Ttc on clomid

im back to my thread.
so didnt fall on my second cycle of clomid this month
now ive got to take for 5 days instead of 4.
as from tomorrow i start it all over again!!....
got till september when i have to go back to see whats the next plan.
day 11 on my 3rd cycle of clomid... im feeling really rough.
headache which ive had for 3 days now,my lower back is hurting also my tummy hurts.

im moody and feel real down with it all....
havent bonk this month as i dont want to be touched
day 11 on my 3rd cycle of clomid... im feeling really rough.
headache which ive had for 3 days now,my lower back is hurting also my tummy hurts.

im moody and feel real down with it all....
havent bonk this month as i dont want to be touched

this is what i felt like most months on it hun so i think it could be a good sign the month i fell my lady bits were so sore inside not out lol that i was nearly in tears while doing the business but it worked i think when u get that sore it just means things doing what they should best of luck xxxxx
Went for my foc scan today have one in left hand ovary 2 in right hand side!!

i ask the nurse about my side effects etc she said very common and you just have to ride it!!

head ache has gone, still have the lower back pains... now the inside pains have started... so thats going make baby making pain full.
I have been diagnosed with PCOS (quite a "severe" case... if thats the right word?) i was given provera to encourage a period and then put on 50mg of clomid. i went through the first cycle and had my bloods done, my result came back 3.1... which is horrendous!

i only got my blood results back today and feel really down, i know its only my first cycle on clomid but it is frustrating. My partner had a sperm count which came back really high and healthy, so i know that it is my fault we arent getting pregnant :( the fertility doctor even said that because my LH is so low i will struggle on clomid. If i am going to struggle then why put me through the torture of disappointment every month? why not just skip to the next stage?

has anyone else had anything like this before?

or am i being dramatic seeing as though its only my first cycle?

Hi all, i have been TTC for over 2 years, am 39 so feel as if time is running out. Fert clinic can only offer me clomid because of my age if that doesnt work they cant offer me anything else unless I pay for it myself.

Just about to start cycle 1 this week. Hubbys count is ok. Drs are not sure whether I am just not ovulating or not, no PCOS found.

Fingers cross and best of luck to you all :dust:
Louise B, get to 'Am I pregnant' and see the great news!! xx
I'm on day 2 of cycle 1 of clomid but had a blood test before I started and only got results on Friday, apparently I am ovulating!! :dance: they did say though to finish this cycle and go back for blood tests day 21 to check again. Possibility not ovulating every month as period can sometimes be erratic. At least there is hope now :pray::)

Eileen x
good luck once again girls hang in there it so worth it xxxxx
I have just completed my first cycle of clomid and feeling really low, I was feeling down anyway but this has made me worse, feeling teary all the time, is this normal when you first start clomid and does it pass?
I have just completed my first cycle of clomid and feeling really low, I was feeling down anyway but this has made me worse, feeling teary all the time, is this normal when you first start clomid and does it pass?

yes it normal hun and for me it didnt go i could have been sectioned i went so down had bad angry patches too
im starting back on clomid as soon as af arrives at the end of the month.
ive had over 3 months off it,so if anyone needs a clomid buddy im here x
I'm pregnant!

only my second cycle of chlomid, i accidently doubled my dosage to 100mg on my second cycle due to a breakdown in communication between me and my fertility nurse. i am glad i did though because it seems to have worked!

i was so worried that it was going to take months and months and am absolutely ecstatic, i am still a bit nervous that it is too good to be true though :s

good luck to everyone...
Congrats Imc :)

Although i'm not entirely convinced about your "accidental" overdose story :fib:

lol ;)
We were ttc for about 6 years. Over 3 years I had 9 courses of clomid and provera (I didn't have withdrawal bleeds naturally). I had ovation drilling done as well which isn't as bad as it sounds! I lost 8 stone in weight and on my last cycle of clomid fell pregnant with non id twins! I am currently 32 weeks gone and counting the days til we meet our babies! Thought I'd share my story with you. Good luck and all the best xxx
Aww congrats becic!

I've just finished my first cycle of clomid and my god do I feel low. Thought it was my depression kicking in again after a few bad days at work but after reading about everyone else I realise its the clomid. Got to lose about 2 stone aswell, thats going to be the easy part!!
Hi all,

I've just started my 2nd cycle of clomid got blood results last week and am ovulating so just to continue with 50mg. Here's hoping for a BFP soon :)

Best of luck to you all :)

:dust:(so love this smiley :)
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OH has low sperm count im on my 4th cycle of clomid 50mg sadly no success yet!

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