Hiya, when i first started clomid i was ovulating naturally but just could not get caught, i was unexplained fertility for over a year, so i was given a number of months worth on clomid. They said this was just to make ttc easier for me, by making more eggs. They still give me clomid even though i was ovulating naturally. I think it goes by the number of months/years you have been ttc, mine was over 12mths so maybe this is why they give me them as a boost to try make it easier for me.
I never got my bfp on the clomid, however its gone in to 2yrs 6mths for me now lttc, i had a test done few months back that said i had low fertility however the month before i was diagnosed with this, i had a ultrasound scan that said i had 2 follicles on either ovary both good sizes & i ovulated, & that was on NO meds.
I never got pregnant, so since having the Amh test to test my fertility the mth later, i was given tamoxifen, they said maybe my eggs are not mature enough & need that extra help, so makes sence, i am ovulating normally from my ovary but my egg quality must not be good hence why i cant get pregnant.
The tamoxifen is like the clomid, only the clomid thins the womb lining & makes cm thicker, & its a lot harder for the sperm to get through cm like that, tamoxifen thickens the womb & gives thinner cm all the better for the sperm to swim through, so i been given this, its a estrogen type. I have had positives for 3 days on the run last week on opks, i aint had them like that so strong too in aaages! so the tamoxifen must be doing somthing good.
You can get help even though you ovulate normal, you could have the same problem as me. Have you enquired about having the AMH test done, i would have it done just to see what it comes back as, as it may be the problem for you too, see i was ovulating normally with no meds, just couldnt get caught, after all scans etc confirmend unexplained fertility, then i asked the doctor to do the AMH test he did & i was classed with the low fertility.
The do the estrogen test usually when they do Lh & Fsh & progesterone tests. Why do you need this ?
Have you had lh & fsh tests done ? I highely suggest having the Amh test done hun. xx