TTC and smoking

I just wondered how many of us there out in the TTC section who are still smoking. I am (naughty naughty) but only about 2 or 3 a day (unless I go out, then I smoke nearer 10/20).

Gosh 2 or 3 a day I wish I was like that add a 0 onto those numbers for me!!

I keep failing! trying but failing really bad for the obvious reasons.

I'm seeing the nurse tomorrow for a quit program!
I've tried patches - allergic
Tried Inhalatror - tasted like wet fag butts
Tried will power - what's that?!

Gave up for 3 months when I was pregnant with Damien and started again after he was born (stress :wall: ) but I REALLY don't want to smoke through another pregnancy and risk it making my baby more premmie.

Hope you get some good avice tomorrow! Let us know what she says :D
i was smokin whilst TTC with the one i m/c but soon as i fell pg with that one i went right off fags an now i still cant stand them.
I went off fags with Damien too for the first 6 weeks, and again went back to it. So damn weak. I think it's coz OH smokes and he won't quit, so there are always fags about. I've always been smoking when I've caught, gone off then almost straight away but then went back to after a few weeks coz other that Damo I m/c'd the babies.
Tried Inhalatror - tasted like wet fag butts

Think that should put you off!! :lol:
I swear by the Alan Carr Quit books. They are fantastic. I quit when we were ttc and fell pg the next cycle. My DH quit at the same time as me, but has slowly gone back to them. It was the odd cigar with a pint, then the odd fag with a pint, then buying a pack if he knew he was going for a drink, then he changed jobs and smoked at work as well, now he also smokes in the evening at home, although I make him go inthe garden.

I hate the smell on him, and have told him he must give up soon as I don't want our son getting near the smell of smoke. I truly think that the reason I hate the smell and it doesn't make me crave them, is the Alan Carr books. He makes you look at fags in a completely different light. I'm trying to get DH to read the book, but he is dyslexic so that's a struggle in itself! :roll:

Invest in this book - it's literally a life saver!
as you know ive been trying to quit for nearly 3 months hun finally found what works for me the lozenges im doing so well on them am really pleased with myself :D xxxxxxxxxx
I hate the thought of smoke around babies but I live with my Mother-in-law until we can afford our own house and she smokes about 40 a day and since its her house I can't do anything about it apart from take my daughter and myself out in the garden or upstairs. :(
Aww Tispy that's horrible :( Hope for your sakes you can get out soon :hug:
Yea me too. She's in Canada at the moment visiting her sister and once she arrives back I have to inform her that her house is going to get a little bit more cramped again next March :lol:
I'm not looking forward to seeing her reaction to the news of our new arrival but hopefully we should have enough money saved by the time new baby comes to get our own smoke free place :) (fingers crossed)
Fingers crossed for your new place :pray: (Glad I don't have to let her know, haven't even told my mil yet!)
rach said:
as you know ive been trying to quit for nearly 3 months hun finally found what works for me the lozenges im doing so well on them am really pleased with myself :D xxxxxxxxxx

Well done Rach - I missed this somehow!! :dance: :dance:

Can anyone else see a pattern here? Both me and Rach quit, then got a BFP within 3 months. Incentive enough for you ttcers???? :D
i started smoking when i was 11 and quit when i was about 14 because my grandad died of heart desease (why can i never spell that?!) Now if i smell smoke off a cig or a BBQ or anything i get really bad chest pains and cant breath. I hate the fact that the guy next door smokes right infront of our bedroom or living room windows and blows the smoke in. :x Im glad i'll be living some where new when our baby comes, I dont like the thought of our baby breathing that in!! :puke:
rach said:
as you know ive been trying to quit for nearly 3 months hun finally found what works for me the lozenges im doing so well on them am really pleased with myself :D xxxxxxxxxx
Trying these from Tuesday x
i smoke about 10 a day and have switched to roll ups with filters,i pack up as soon as im pregnant as i just go off them and find it easy. :D
I think if you smoke you go through the menopause earlier because it prematurely ages the ovaries!

Good luck to everyone giving up xx
thanks tankett i hadnt thought of that lol
go for it wobbles you will be surprised how much easier the lozenges are xxxxxxxx

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