TTc @ 38 stopped cerazette 4 months ago


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Jun 2, 2012
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My OH asked me (in the throes of passion lol) if i wanted anymore kids and i said YES
we have 7 yr old b/g twins and he has a 19yr old son from a previous relationship and have been together 16 years. I stopped taking cerazette about 4 months ago i told him and we used condoms for a few days but he hates them so we have been trying for about 3 months unofficially.
has anyone else been on cerazettte or know how long before normality resumes. i have had periods since i stopped the pill and it took us 6 months to get pg 1st time round but i was on cilest then and 8 yrs younger lol
Hey :)

I came off cerezette in January 2012 & since then my periods have ranged from 28 - 35 days, really irregular! I've been on the pill for around 10 years and as far as I can remember before going on the pill my periods were really regular, every 28 days exactely. Because when coming off cerezette often periods are a bit all over the place I've found it really helpful this month to chart everything (e.g. temp, ov, cm) but I know some people find that a little bit too 'clinical' and sometimes more frustrating! Did you chart last time with your twins or just take the 'see what happens' approach... I actually find it really helpful as it helps you understand your cycle and I find it exciting to know when my 2 week wait is etc

Have you had a period since coming off cerezette? If so, how regular / irregular have they been?

Good luck with TTC! x
Hi, I came off Cerazette at the beginning if February and think I have ovulated every cycle since - I have been lucky in that my body seems to be getting back to normal quite quickly. My cycle length does vary a bit, but since starting to do OPKs, I know I am ovulating. I am just starting my 2WW - if I get my BFP I will find out around my 40th birthday on 10th June. What a fantastic present that would be :)
I agree with Janine, it really helps to chart your BBT, CM etc so you can understand where you are in your cycle.
Wishing you lots of luck with your journey TTC xxx
I have been on cerazette about 5 years, I came off in 2009 to ttc my2nd and my cycles returned almost immediately and I got my bfp on my 3rd cycle off (didn't try the 1st cycle).

I then went back on it when my daughter was 8 weeks old and have only just came off at the beginning of May to ttc our 3rd child. I had AF on the 25th, and am now on CD10 - waiting to see what will happen now, am getting confused at the moment as my ovulation test is getting dark already and I have long cycles where I normally do not ovulate until day 19 or 20!

good luck - hope you get your bfp soon
I was on Cerazette for quite a while probs about 4 years.

I've did have proper periods about 2 months after I came off but i've not had anything since february now :/. (not pregnant though). BUT i do have PCOS.


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