

Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2009
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Hi Everyone

I hope everyone has had a brillaint christmas, I know we did what with going round both of our families and having my mum over for a couple of days....

Well as some of you know me and my partner have been trying for just over 3 years and it is getting fraustrating now. We are due to be married next year, hopefully if everything goes to plan (money wise lol) and we would love a child by then.

Is anyone else finding it hard to concieve? Am I the only one who thinks she's doing everything right, but still not getting the BFP! I just feel so upset everytime I get a period, I know I am overweight, but I have friends who are well overweight and have 2 or 3 kids...I just want a baby so badly! Any advice?

Donna x

My friend has been trying for a baby with her partner for over 10 years (they are both 31 now). They had numerous tests and she found out she POS. However the doctor said it was still possible for her concieve naturally although it might take a bit longer for them.
She quit smoking and stopped drinking. Took multivitamins, changed her diet, had sex every name it she tried it. We all advised her to relax (I know thats a lot harder than it sounds) and to try not to let it take over... Despite numerous rounds of IVF and test after test they decided that it obviously wasn't meant to be. They decided to get away for two weeks to Scotland to be alone and come to terms with things and the following month she missed her period. I can happily say that she gave birth to a bouncing healthy baby boy in July!
So I know there isn't any real advice in here but it's mainly about not giving up hope. Just try to 'relax' as any kind of stress plays havoc with your body. Fingers crossed for you both though, it will happen but all good things come to those who wait! xx
Thank you!

I will take what you have said into consideration....It can be a stressful and fraustrating time when you are trying to concieve, but I have told myself not to let it get to me and to relax and enjoy it lol

Thanks again

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