How much does weight affect TTC?

We're in this together then! 5ft 3 .. and 12st 9lb ...

Girls good luck with losing the weight its so hard aint it, its been 6 months and im 161 pounds dont know how many stones that is ?
I love my food and its hard to lose the weight lol.
according to the site i use 161pounds is 11st 5


they do say being overweight can affect fertility but i dont think its always the case i was a size 18 when i caught pg for luke it took me 2 months then went up to a size 24 for years managed to get down to a 14 then caught pg with jamie took me 2 months am now a size 18 as i put on a lot of weight when pg with jamie will see how long it takes me this time am trying to lose weight but not getting very far i was ok in beginning but now i keep comfort eating crappy food :oops: xxxxx
Its weird for me as I was never what I would consider 'overweight'. We'd been ttc for nearly 4 years and my weight was 11st4 and I was a size 14 then I was put on meds for my arthritis which caused me to drop to about 8st6 before christmas and a dress size 8 then lo and behold I caught. I cant understand it but its the only thing that ever changed in all those years of ttc so maybe each person does have an optimum weight for ttc. having said that I was 10st4 when I caught with my dd and we tried for 8 days so I'm probably talking rubbish. Wish you all every success in ttc, after 4 years I truly understand how anxious it can make you.

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