Trying to relax

Well i just went to the loo and there was discharge but was more brown in colour than red like normal period blood. May just be the beginnings of my period tho but it isnt normally brownish but it wasnt loads or little
Gonna keep an eye over the next 24hours and see if it changes colour, i do hope not, not sure i can wait not sure how people do it, they are very very strong people
It's hard MissRosie. Rather than not thinking about it, I let myself think about it for a while and do some pointless googling til I get fed up. I find it's worse if I try to stop myself from doing these things. I find writing in a kind of journal helps - just to get out the frustration. Making plans to meet people or go out, if you can, helps. I don't think about it much when I'm with others, other than to remember I can't say anything or better not drink etc.
Yeah i agree, just keeping busy is the hard part at this time of year. Im at work today and tomorrow so that helps :) x
I've been working all day too been suffering mad aches and pains tho, not felt this bad in quite some time but then my periods are just in the last 2 months maybe 3 months got back into sync after coming off the pill and complications with the injection. Not a happy day for me
:( Yeah they need to get out your system.. how long you been off the injection x
I think the injection is a ball ache I've seen many who struggled to regulate and catch after them, it managed to when I had the coil right after stops my periods instantly because I had the injection before and I hated it! Had short cycles coming off that too! But I'm convinced what does help rather than not thinking about it at all have a month where it's not convenient because of whatever, like not purposely holding off because it's a missed chance but more like could do with it being the next month because of a new job or whatever. That worked for me when I fell pregnant with my little one!

:( Yeah they need to get out your system.. how long you been off the injection x

Over a year now, I got so I'll cos I bled for almost 8 weeks and not lightly plus on top of it I had I came off the injection and after a few months went onto the pill but it didn't last long cos I'm rubbish at remembering to take tablets haha
Oh no :( ive heard the injection is awful. Ive never really been on any contraception x

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