trying to concieve for 10 months


New Member
Dec 16, 2010
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hi all, my name is shelly and i jus joined. i hav been trying to get pregnant for approximately 10 months now and nothin...i thought i was but af came along as usual...this month af lasted for 2 1/2 days wen it normally lasts 5.. i hav been tired an sleepy an a lil upset but no serious symptoms. why cant i get pregnant it seems so easy for others... PLEASE REPLY SOM1
I was trying for a similar length of time! Have you tried using ovulation prediction kits (opk) they worked for me! Also your af sounds a bit like your af could be implantation! I hope you get your bfp soon Hun :)

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Hi and welcome :)

I was also wondering what steps you have taken to help you conceive and what your lifestyle is like and things.
Hi shelly and welcome:hugs:

I'm sorry to hear you've not had your BFP yet.
I'm fairly new to ttc so I don't have alot of advise i'm afraid but may I suggest visiting the doctors and see what they have to say,its worth a try!

There are lots of lovely ladies in the same position as you and who have been ttc alot longer too and i'm sure they will be able to answer any questions you have. :)

Hi shelly! I have been trying for 10 months as well, and nothing. It seems everyone around me is getting pregnant, and the last person was my DH's ex:( I just want to cryyyyy.....but I can't go around crying all day, so I try to think that my turn will come as well.

A few tips I picked up around and am trying myself:
- Wild yam (after you ovulated and for one week)
- Queen bee jely (supposed to make you more fertile, the queen bee is really fertile!!:p)
- Cough syrup the days when you are ovulated - to make it easier for the little soldiers to swim towards the egg
- KEEP BUSY! I know it's difficult, but try to keep busy, make plans each day and the days go faster.
- Last, I booked an apointment with my doctor...just to talk and see if there's something that can be done.

I have a friend and she struggled for one year. They went to the doctor and it seemed to be a problem with his sperm and her. After two IVF's she's now pregnant! So hold on, your turn will come, one way or the other.
There's a lady on her who was trying for over 2 years & has just got get BFP.......amazing :)

Hi :wave: welcome to forum. Hey you dont need to go through this all alone - we're here for you!

Like Louise said, give us more details about yourself, what you have tried etc and we're sure to help in any way we can!
Hi :wave:

Welcome hunny, just to echo what the other ladies have said we are all here to help and support each other.

I want to wish you lots of luck and sending you lots of babydust :dust::dust::dust: x x

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