Hi shelly! I have been trying for 10 months as well, and nothing. It seems everyone around me is getting pregnant, and the last person was my DH's ex
I just want to cryyyyy.....but I can't go around crying all day, so I try to think that my turn will come as well.
A few tips I picked up around and am trying myself:
- Wild yam (after you ovulated and for one week)
- Queen bee jely (supposed to make you more fertile, the queen bee is really fertile!!
- Cough syrup the days when you are ovulated - to make it easier for the little soldiers to swim towards the egg
- KEEP BUSY! I know it's difficult, but try to keep busy, make plans each day and the days go faster.
- Last, I booked an apointment with my doctor...just to talk and see if there's something that can be done.
I have a friend and she struggled for one year. They went to the doctor and it seemed to be a problem with his sperm and her. After two IVF's she's now pregnant! So hold on, your turn will come, one way or the other.