trying to concieve


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2005
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Hi every one

Am 2 years (and a bit) post depo, i am getting married on saturday and then going on our honey moon on the tuesday... And i am hopefully ovulating that week. This time last year we sadly had a miscarrige but we have had a talk and think it is deffinatly the right time for another try, i just really cant wait till were going to start trying to concieve again. I already have a 9 year old from a previous relationship and all he talks about is another brother or sister.
Any tips greatfully recieved hehe
Good luck to everyone TTC

Hiya Pammie :wave:

I hope you have a fab day on Saturday. You must be so excited! (and possibly a bit stressed with all the organising).

I'm sorry to hear about your loss last year. I hope you have good luck trying to conceive. :hug:
Hey there! Good luck on Saturday. I'd give anything to get to experience my wedding day all over again! I loved it so much. My only advice is to try and remember ever little detail instead of just getting caught in the whirlwind of times, formalities, etc... just enjoy it! I'm so jealous! :wink:

Good luck with TTC ... I actually conceived on my honeymoon! (we weren't just happened... guess we were so relaxed and everything just worked)...sadly I miscarried too. It was April of last year at 8wks. Good luck and let us know how the wedding goes as soon as you get back! Where are you going for your honeymoon?
Best of luck for Saturday hunny :cheer:

Good luck TTC, enjoy your honeymoon (wish I could have mine over again :wink: ) :hug:
Keep chilled and relaxed and dont think about TTC as i think it putsd pressure on you and DH, keep your sex life fun!
Honeymoon sounds a perfect time TTC.
Why not try a ovulation calandar - i fell preg after one cyccle using one on the internet :D
OOOH i love weddings i got married last august!

Try to relax and enjoy yourself, try not to think about getting PG as i found the more you stress the longer it takes.

Enjoy you honeymoon (and the sex) for what it is and then fingers crossed!!!!!

Welcome to the forum.... :hug:
Thankyou everyone for ur kind words

Our honeymoon is a 12 day cruise around the med, We depart on tuesday morning. :dance: :dance: His mum and dad bought it for us. I really cant wait,
I dont feel to stressed yet
A honeymoon baby would be lovely but am not gonna put extra pressure on us am gonna try and relax about it and have lots of fun. (were doing to many stressful things, when we get back of honeymoon we move into our new house) so who knows in all the chaos it might just happen :pray:
I started the fun of by getting a boudior book done of me for him (very sexy :wink: ) his best man is going to give it to him the night before the wedding. And when i was doing that photoshoot the woman hired me for there web site i have my first paid photoshoot on monday after the wedding (havent broke thaat news to him yet. hehe )
Yey only 3 more sleeps am gonna savour every moment from friday morning to early hours sunday thankyou girls
And when i get back of my honeymoon i will fill you all in about the wedding and any baby news
thanks everyone
Pam xx

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