Hi every one
Am 2 years (and a bit) post depo, i am getting married on saturday and then going on our honey moon on the tuesday... And i am hopefully ovulating that week. This time last year we sadly had a miscarrige but we have had a talk and think it is deffinatly the right time for another try, i just really cant wait till were going to start trying to concieve again. I already have a 9 year old from a previous relationship and all he talks about is another brother or sister.
Any tips greatfully recieved hehe
Good luck to everyone TTC
Am 2 years (and a bit) post depo, i am getting married on saturday and then going on our honey moon on the tuesday... And i am hopefully ovulating that week. This time last year we sadly had a miscarrige but we have had a talk and think it is deffinatly the right time for another try, i just really cant wait till were going to start trying to concieve again. I already have a 9 year old from a previous relationship and all he talks about is another brother or sister.
Any tips greatfully recieved hehe
Good luck to everyone TTC