Trying to concieve after a miscarriage

Blondy locks x

Active Member
Feb 28, 2011
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Hiya everyone am new to this forum.
In the last week of january this year i suffered from a miscarriage, the doctor said i was only 4 weeks gone when it happened. I have decided that i wanted to try again right away when the miscarriage ended, i know that ovulation starts again 2 weeks after a period ends but im not sure if its the same after a miscarriage? Anyway only yesterday i have bleeded a little bit and im not sure if this could be a period or implantation bleeding because my period would of been due around this time? It doesnt feel like any of my normal periods and i have had no pains yet. Also i usually get lower pains about 1 or 2 weeks before im due? Has anyone else experienced this if pregnant? thanks x x
:wave: Hi

It could be implantation bleeding.
I also had an mc at the end of Jan and I got my bfp on Sunday.
I had what I thought was implantation bleeding the first time, which was a week before my period was due, just tiny spots of blood when I wiped and a bit of back ache.

I felt a bit clueless as to when I would ovulate after mc, so we just bd'd every couple of days as soon as we were able.

All the best, hope you get your bfp.

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Hi hun, I had mc last week in Jan too, I decided not to try again straight away as I wanted to let my body recover. I had some light spotting when my period would have been due, then af came when I would have been 8 days late. Good luck hunnie xx
Hi and welcome to PF :wave:

I had a MC at the end of Jan/beginning of Feb, i am waiting for AF to arrive. No sign of any bleeding yet.
I think i OV last weekend so we BD a couple of times just incase!

Hope you get your BFP soon xxx
Hey hun, I dont have any advice for you but wanted to welcome you xx
:wave: welcome to pf Hun
I also mc'd in the last week if jan, still No sign of AF but I counted first day of mc as day 1 of my cycle and think I ov'd day 14 or 15 so waiting for AF any day now. Everyones different but u hope you get either another bfp or AF soon (preferably bfp of course) :)
Thanks everyone for your help and thanks for welcoming me to the forum :)
Hopefully it will be good news this time round for me! Il let you all know :thanks::yellow: xxx
Gosh there are loads of us who MC at end of Jan! (me too). What a crappy start to the year. It took me til just over a week ago to have my first AF. Which basically means I'm ovulating for the first time right now and my DH is working all hours! Sigh.......

Twilly - that was really fast! Lucky you

Anyway, Welcome Blondy, at least you'll find lots of us all going through the same thing together xx
Hey blondy! I mc on wednesday :-( it was my third and I found past two times I didn't ov until after I got my next period howevr my hcg was pretty high so took a long time to get back to normal. This time doc sayd my number was 142 so she thinks I will get bback to normal quicker and possibly ov in a couple of weeks so am as the others did taking wednesday as cd1 gonna use ovulation tests to see if and when I do ov and take it from there.
I did get spotting for a whole 4 weeks after my first mc.
Hope u get ur sticky bfp asap! We are all here for u x

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