Ovulation After Miscarriage


Dec 9, 2008
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Hi, I had a miscarriage last wednesday and 9 days later I am testing positive on ovulation testers plus I also have ovulation pains.

Could it be possible that I am ovulating so quickly after a miscarriage??

I was only 5weeks & 2days pregnant & did not need a D&C as it came away naturally.

Thank you for you help x

ps Please let me know if you conceived straight after a miscarriage & was it a successfully pregnancy x
Anything is possible but are you testing negative on pregnancy tests yet? Because pregnancy hormone is picked up on ovulation sticks as HCG and LH have similar structures I think. I had a mc at between 6 and 7 weeks last jan and tested positive for a fortnight. I would get a cheap sensitive pg test just to check. In answer to your other question, I started ttc straight afterwards and a year later I am still not pg and am having tests done to see why not! Loads of people fall again really quick though so I hope you are lucky :hug:
Hi Bee.

I too had an early m/c (4w3d) and conceived the following month (i.e. no period in between). Sadly that too miscarried at 4w6d but I obviously still ovulated after the first miscarriage.

I think maybe with early miscarriages it takes less time for the body to return to normal ...?
:wave: Hi Bee

You shouldn't be at any higher risk of m/c in a future pregnancy, even if you conceive straight away (at least that's what the hospital info leaflet tells me) so if you've got a + OPK and you feel ready then go for it. There's been lots of ladies on here who have conceived either without having AF after m/c or on their first cycle - yes some have lost but lots have gone on to have healthy pregnancies, unfortunately I think it comes down to luck in most cases x
I recently had a m/c and i have had ewcm today but I only stopped bleeding a few days ago. I haven't bothered with the ov kits tho as didn't see the point but now you've posted this I might see what it comes up with tomorrow.

We decided not to bother waiting until af arrived and are trying again straight away.

Good luck sweetie. There's no reason why this next time shouldn't be ok for us. My midwife said the other day that all should be well the next time.

dont have any wise words for your answer but just want to say sorry for your loss and good luck with getting a sticky bfp :hug: :hug:

i had a miscarriage in november at 5 weeks. i went to EPU and the day i started bleeding my HCG was 961. 9 days later it was still 187. i had no idea when i ovulated or if i even did, but i didnt get pregnant straight away, i'm just finishing my first AF since the m/c.

x x

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