Trying to conceive with long cycles


Apr 12, 2012
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Hello everyone!!!
Long term ttc .Still no luck and extremly irregular cycles! Sometimes 80-100 days in between cycles
anyone else have similar circumstances?
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Just wanted to say hello.....

I'm not Long-term ttc - in fact only just starting out this time round, but wanted to say hello and hope it happens soon for you :) Are you trying anything to reduce your cycle length? e.g. Evening primose oil or Agnus Castus?
Hi there momo

There are quite a few things that can help reduce your cycle if it is far to long like angus cactus or primrose oil.

Failing that some girls try acupunture which seemingly is good.

Have you consulted your doctor with regards to how long you have been TTC? xxx
Hello. I dont have long cycles so cant help you im afraid on that one. But wanted to welcome you to the forum and fx it wont be long before you get a bfp.

Michelle. x
Went to the dr and becaus of my circumsances he kind of wrote me off... I wanted provera but he wouldn't give it to me since we haven't been trying for at least a year. I want it to start my period .... pretty sure no period equals no ovulation. Where do I buy the primrose oil or agnus castus? Ebay?
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Hi, welcome to PF!

You can buy both of those in Holland and Barrett, they have an online shop which is where I got mine from.

My cycles are 80-100+ days too but I have PCOS.

Sorry the GP wasn't more helpful hun, maybe give the AC a try and it'll help hopefully. x x
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I bought my AC from holland and Barrett and I think it worked for me, my cycles definately shortened after a cycle or 2 it just takes time to get into your system. My cycles went down to 35-55 days I think which was still very good for me as my pcos could make my afs AWOL for months at a time.

Good luck xxx
I tried it for one cycle and didn't think it helped but as Laura said, you'd prob need to give it a go for a couple of cycles to get into your system. I gave up pretty quickly cos I was too impatient. :oooo:

I tried it for one cycle and didn't think it helped but as Laura said, you'd prob need to give it a go for a couple of cycles to get into your system. I gave up pretty quickly cos I was too impatient. :oooo:


Lol bless ya, it is so annoying that things take so long TTC. I know of a few ladies taking soy and they have had immediate effects, I know of a couple getting BFP's first time round too, so maybe look into that. It's supposed to be the herbal version of clomid xxx
Yeah I've been reading about that too. I'm going to see how the Clomid pans out as I've got it for 6 months if we need it, plus another appointment booked for November if we need that too. I'm not stressing at all, just seeing where this month takes me. :)

My colleague started taking Agnus Castus a while ago and she told me that her cycles went from 91 days to 35 days, which is rather significant.
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That's fab! There's a few ladies on here who got their bfp's after using Agnus Castus as well. x
I live in the US I will have to find somewhere that sells it! for sure and yes I have PCOS only thing dr put me on for it is metformin.

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