Help! Does anyone else have 35 day+cycles?

Hey, just notticed this post, my cycles used to be 30-55days! very irregular, even used to miss periods completly :( and i got a BFP in sep! :) i don't think it matters as long as you are ovulating! just means you have a longer wait to find out which i know is very frustrating
Thanks Nurse 26!

And congratulations!!

How long did you try for??

I'm not too stressed about this now, I'm still going to have a good shot at it this month! xx

I worry about this too as my cycles for the last two months (only two I have been tracking as this is first month of TTC) have been 50 days. Am thinking the same, as long as I am ovulating (whether it is every 28 or 50 days) then I have just a good a shot?


Jen x
Hi Hun,

I'm really not sure whether it's a problem or not, my doc didn't tell me whether it was or it wasn't, but has agreed to send me for tests to find out why.

I might call the docs tomorrow and ask another doctor's opinion.

Any how I'm still gonna give it a shot this month, I still haven't got my hospital date yet so why not.

Are you using OPKs?

I have just ordered some - this is all new to me, so someone very kindly in one of the other threads was explaining what I need to do! My AF is due on Weds and then in theory I should OV around the 17 Nov (feels ages away) so I will prob do the OV tests a week after my AF has finished - think that's about right? Eeeek - so much to consider and get right. And if my periods continue to be every 50 days I will only be ovulating every other month so feel like I need to do everything as best I can. Just hope that I am actually ovulating when I do the tests...!
How long have you been trying? x
Hi Hun,

I'm really not sure whether it's a problem or not, my doc didn't tell me whether it was or it wasn't, but has agreed to send me for tests to find out why.

I might call the docs tomorrow and ask another doctor's opinion

Hey Maybe

Did you speak to another doctor today about this ? just wondering as I have an appointment with the lead nurse at my surgery tomorrow as I am getting more and more concerened that my irregular cycles are not normal and also for past two weeks I have been getting really painful stomach pains!!
Hi Hun,

Just sent a reply to your other post, I've just got off the phone and tried to get an answer to that question and the practice manager said he'd ask a GP and call me back.

I'll keep you posted xx
I have just ordered some - this is all new to me, so someone very kindly in one of the other threads was explaining what I need to do! My AF is due on Weds and then in theory I should OV around the 17 Nov (feels ages away) so I will prob do the OV tests a week after my AF has finished - think that's about right? Eeeek - so much to consider and get right. And if my periods continue to be every 50 days I will only be ovulating every other month so feel like I need to do everything as best I can. Just hope that I am actually ovulating when I do the tests...!
How long have you been trying? x

Hi Jenny,

I've been trying for 5 months and had a M/C on the 3rd month. It might sound like forever but has gone quite quickly.

If I were you I'd start using the OPKs not long after AF, Just then you don't miss it if it is earlier and you might just be one of the lucky ones who OV twice! You have guessed about right with the 17th though.

Good luck hun xx
Hi Hun,

Just sent a reply to your other post, I've just got off the phone and tried to get an answer to that question and the practice manager said he'd ask a GP and call me back.

I'll keep you posted xx

Thanks hun x

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