
Active Member
Jul 4, 2007
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Hey all, I am new to all this!! I have been TTC for 4 months and slowly getting more and more frustrated especially the 2 ww. Although never actually know when that exactly is, as my cycles are so irregular, 44 days, 37 days and 41 days. Anyone know the best way to find out when I ovulate?? :wall:
have you tried charting? i went from 28days to 38 days to 41 days. sucks :(
I'm on day 99 at the moment so i know how you feel. I'm temperature charting, which doesn't predict that its going to happen but means that i know if i have. I find that helps. I tried ovulation sticks but with cycles so long i've already got through over 50 of them so i've given up! I woulf try charting on Fertility Friend as it may help you learn what signs to look out for when you ovulate.

Michelle x
Hey :wave:

It is nice to here from people in the same sort of situation. Ive had a look at that fertility friend but havent started charting properly although I do check my cm, and around the time I think I may be ovulating my cp. Tryed the OPK POAS thingies this month but they came up with nothing, then a faint line and then nothing, so not sure about them either. Think I just need to bd as much as poss and cross my fingers. My OH thinks I am mental by being a POAS addict.
I have my fingers crossed for everyone on this forum.
Hi and welcome to the forum :wave:

I have always had very irregular cycles too, anything from 25 days to 45 days, so I found charting invaluable as I then learned that my luteal phase (the days between ovulation and your next period) was the average 14 days and always stayed the same, so it was my ovulation that was varying and causing irregular cycles.

However, the last 4 months have all been exactly 32 days so im hoping they have settled down now!

Varying ovulation is the most common cause of irregular cycles, and that can be caused by all manner of things including stress, diet, alcohol, the small things that we wouldnt think could have such an impact. Its worth charting just to find out when you are ovulating and then counting the days to your period (dpo as its known or days past ovulation) as you will then know if its your ovulation that varies, or if you have a varying luteal phase. Its normal for your luteal phase to differ by a day or 2 each cycle but if for example you had one of 12 days then one of 18 days, and this was causing your irregular cycles then you would need to get that looked at as it can cause problems conceiving.

Oh gosh I hope I havnt confused you even more lol, but theres a wealth of information around tis forum so if your unsure of anything just ask :D

I recommend Vutex to regulate your cycles. It is a herb and you can buy it online. It helped to regulate me. I swear by it and have been taking it for 7 months now. When you get your bfp they recommend you stop taking it though as it isn't recommended for pregnant women. But has help many ladies get pregnant.

Thanks Becs and GlitzyGlamGirl your info is invaluable and I will definately look into Vutex, in fact il search the net in a mo!! And I will definately start charting sounds like you have found out so much about your body by using this. Il keep you informed on how I get on it just a pain with my shifts for the temperature readings as my I do both day shifts and night shifts.


xx Baby dust to you both xx
Whoops, sorry I meant to type Vitex, sorry your search is probably not going very well. :oops:
Hi Becs

Yeah I assumed you must of meant vitex when I went to search, I am just reading up on it now and will keep it in mind. Cheers
If you go for it, bare in mind it's just a herb and takes a while to kick in. My cycles are still slowly getting shorter after all the months I have been taking it for. I used to ov on cd21 and more recently it has been cd16. Good luck whatever you decide xx
I take Vitex (aka Agnus Castus) and this has regulated me cycles so i can recomend them. Hope they help you out and heres hoping to a BFP soon x

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