Triplets helllpp!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2010
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i had my 12 week scan yesterday, omg i had the shock of my life wen the scanner said "oh u are carrying more than 1 and then she said there were 3!!!!!!!!!

i cried i laughed i nearly fainted!!

THE WARD THEN TURNED INTO A CIRCUS i had 3 scanning ladies! 2 midwifes and 1 doctor all in the room i was scanned for over 1 hour! and then in consultants rooms discussing things for most of the day and then scanned again for a further 40mins!!

the medical staff were shocked as to how small i am! and all 3 babies were reading at between 11wk 5days and 12 weeks!! i am smaller now with 3 than i was with my single pregnacy 3 years ago! im still in size 12 skinny jeans and not even been sick!

my head is all over the place i am the last person on earth i thought this would happen to! basically to eggs fertilized and then 1 egg split leaving me with 2 identicle twins in 1 sac sharing a placenta and a sole baby in its own sac!

im 24 have a 3 year old already and just in complete turmoil! this was only the 3rd time in 19 years that the hospital had ever seen triplets produced naturally!

i really dont know what to do they have given me the option of reducing the pregnancy to twins, but says that it carries a risk of losing all 3 babies! i have to travel an hour tommorrow to go to our nearest city hospital to discuss our options further!

how the hell can cope with 3! not enough room in the house or the car, i will lose my independence and sanity! i cant even find a 3way pram on highstore websites!

my mum and dad are frightened for me as they no i like to work and holiday and say that with 3 + a todderler i will house bound an sad!

i just wanted any advice especially if you or you know any1 who has had a selective termination!! please help i havent slept an jus constantly in tears!xx
didnt wanna read and run!! really feel for you what a shock and hard times ahead i really dont think i could kept 2 and not the other one without feeling bad for the rest of my life with what if but of course its your life, thinking of you xx
Oh my goodness what a shock for you Hun sending you a massive :hug:
Although I think triplets will be a complete handful I think if it was me I would keep them all unless the doctors think you are going to have trouble further on in the pregnancy. Personally I wouldn't want to risk losing them all
Having said that it is a really tough decision and you have got to do what's right for you xxxxx
:hugs:Oh my gosh, you must be in complete shock!!! One of my best friends had exactly the same as you...two identical twins and one in it's own sac. She had an elective termination of the single baby and she went on to have beautiful healthy twins. It must be so hard to think what to do, I really feel for you. I'll be thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs.xx
hi i cant offer no advice really as i have never had multiples but i watched a program called quint essentials and they had 5 babies and was also offered to terminate a few but as they had lost a few babies in the past they took the risk and they are doing amazing now :)
there is prams for triplets out there as i have seen them also if you could find a multiple support group the mums that are there will be able to give you the best advice and ways to cope and little tricks that they found worked ie feeding all 3 at once if you decide to go ahead this site looks useful all the best in whatever you decide to do x
Omg hun what a surprise, :hug: No advice on a selective termination, not even sure how they would go about doing it, the risk to the other babies must be high? Hope you find joy in whatever you decide to do, maybe you can get finaicail help from the government for triplets? not sure
Oh my gosh :hugs: what a suprise that must of been! I agree with jodied, as much as three little babies are going to be a handful, i wouldnt like to take the risk of losing all three. Hope your appointment goes well hun :hugs: x x

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i have been told so far ... i am unable to terminate the sole baby as s/he is so low in my pelvis and would mean i would miscarry all 3! so my only option is to terminate one of the identicle twins - but this can lead to A) losing the other twin or B) losing all 3 (but its unlikely to lose all 3) or C) the other twin surviving but having possible complications!!
I SWEAR I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO! - should you mess with nature!! NO you should not but 3 babies and 1 toddereler at 24 all under school age i think i will end up on 12A!!! im am trying to be light hearted about this otherwise i will cry again! and i am sat at my office desk with peering eyes whom have no idea i am even pregnant! no joke no 1 has even guessed.
i know that in 3-4 years time everything will be fine but seriously how am i going to afford 3 extra! more nappies, wipes, milk, food, clothes and they are just basics without 3 x highchairs, 3 x cots, 3 x wardrobes ect ect...
my OH is the same as me happy one minute then virtually having a panic attack the next!

i will update you all wen i have been to the city hospital, i know many of u will think im a disgrace for even thinkin about terminateing 1 of the 3 but honestly please think to yourselves would you be able to cope??
i personally could not terminate and would therefore i would go ahead with all 3 i have 4 kids already dd10 ds8 dd6 ds2 and my ds8 is a special needs child and if they said on my scan more than 1 i would crap myself but i know in my heart i would be devastated at the thought of terminating
there are support groups out there and there is ways of managing financially its not the end of the world it may seem like it at the minute but its not honestly the rewards you will be given back would be out of this world. i dont want you to think that i am saying dont terminate ect just giving you the flipped side of have to be prepared to lose all 3 if you chose selective termination even though they say its a slim chance you have to be prepared good luck xx
I don't think people would think you were a disgrace at all sweetie. You know yourself what you can cope with and how you feel. Whatever you decide we will be here to support you.xx
Before making any decisions i would talk to people who have had triplets/ multiple pregnancies. Of course we wouldn't see you as a disgrace it's your personal decision and we will support you in what ever you decide xxx :hugs:
OMG I can't imagine what a shock you must have had!!!!!!

Selective termination is a very personal choice so no-one can judge you or think you are a disgrace.

Good luck with whatever you decide!
WOW! How is that for a shock?! :hugs:

Cant really offer any advice, no point in saying what i would do, just that im thinking of you, this must have come as a right shock.

you still have lots of time to make a choice, and whatever you decide, no one can say anything to you about it. it is your life and family

Take care xxxx
Wow what a huge decisions you have to make. I'm sure whatever you and your Husband decided will be for the benefit of you and your daughter you alrealy have.

Nobody on here will think any less of you whatever decision you make regarding termination.

Big hugs Hun

Personally i could bare terminating any. But thats upto you...its your choice. On the other hand im sure you would cope hunny many people do and you will too. Like the others said, before making any decisions speak to someone who has had triplets xxx
WOW! what a shock to get! wishing you luck for your hospital appointment, i'm sure you will make the right decision for you and your family. sending you big hugs.x x
I think you and your partner are the only people who can really make the final descission, but what ever you do please, please make sure you have some sort of counciling, which will help you both make that final choice. It is very well people say not to have a termination, but they aren't the ones that this will change there life, not just financially. I am not say termination is the right or wrong thing to do, but you and your husband have to do things that are right for you, along with professional help.
That is some shock to have when thinking you have only 1 in there but to be told you have 3 and implications....

Good luck to you hun for whatever you decide, only you and your OH can make the right decision and I am sure you won't be doing it lightly xx
Huge hugs hunni!
God I have no idea what I would do! Hope you get on ok at the hospital!
X x x x

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