***Tri-1 Rollcall*** SEE NEW THREAD

My bloody 12 week nuchal scan date has been changed to 21st April - its due to me having to see the consultant afterwards - which will actually make things much easier but I have to wait an extra day! Only 8 days and counting...

Just a quick question. How can Positivity have a BFP in April 2011 and be due April 2012? Thats a whoooooole year of being pregnant :p lol
Thanks for noticing this Cherry, im blaming baby brain lol :) x x

aww bless ya, lol. It amused me. I thought, poor Pos having a whole year of birth!
Can you add me please, due date at the min is 15th November. Thanks
Hi there - can you add me too please :)
BFP - 10/04, EDD - 16/12

Thank you!!
Welcome to tri-1 ladies, all update :)

Wow we have our first Christmas Day baby :) x x

hey hon I got given my 20 week scan date yesterday, it's 9th June ~ please can you add it? Thank you my lovely x x
hi M2A sorry to be a pain but thy have moved my 12 week scan to 11th may now at 2:10 and ill be 12+3 days there messing me about a bit lol x x x
New due date according to scan is 16th October although I think bubs is just big and I suppose I'll now be off to tri 2

I got my :bfp:7th March due date 27th November (if dates are correct wont know until my scan which ain't until I am 13 weeks 2 days :shakehead:
Sorry ladies, been away for a while and now well and truly jetting off to tri 2.
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Got my :bfp: 7th March due date 27th November (unless scan says any different but won't know until after 13 weeks! dam you late scan!!)
hey hunny. if you want to update mine I am now due on the 19th October and have my 20 week scan on the 1st June

:) xxx
Hi M2A

My first post (again) in Tri1

Can you slide me in between Positivity and mammabee? BFP on 12 April, Due date: 24 Dec!

Its so lovely to be with you and some others again, but am stepping in here very tentively this time, so might only loiter in the background for a while xxx
Forgot to write in my post when I got positive test, which was on 8th march
hi can u up date my due date pls its now 14th nov after another emergency scan !!! and dating scan booked for 6th may thanks xx

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