treatment after mc?


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2014
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I mc 2 weeks ago and when I phoned gp, I was told that it would all pass naturally and that I didn't need to do anything at all. I was a bit surprised, but I was also relieved because I just didn't want to leave the house or do anything really. Since Thursday, I've been really unwell. I think it's some kind of flu but I'm not sure. I've felt exhausted, sore eyes (so sore that I needed sunglasses to look at any screens and kept all curtains shut), cough, sneezing, runny nose, last night temp was over 40 most of the night but I was shivering, aching all over, head ache. I've never had anything like this or felt so ill and I haven't been able to eat much or get out of bed for 24 hours. I just wondered does this sound like normal flu or could I have some kind of infection from an incomplete mc?
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I would contact your gp or local epu to talk to them. You don't want to take chances with things like that. They told me to go in if I felt dizzy or unwell or had a fever which it sounds like you do. I hope it is just the flu as horrid add that it after everything your going through but they should scan you to make sure everything has cleared out. I'm.shocked they didn't book you in for a scan anyway that seems protocol in my experience. But I have been under epu care not gp both times.
i would speak to gp or epau and see what they say i had medical management for my MC and dint experience any of you r doin. hope ur feeling more yourself soon x
Sorry for your loss. I would definetly contacted your GP or EPU as I was told to watch out for a temperature etc when I had my natural mc!
Hun please call epu today and get checked. I had infection after mc and my symptoms were similar. Please get checked sooner rather than later x
I'd also phone the hospital, I wouldn't wait either as if you need a scan you want everything checked asap x
last time I went to hospital was 2 weeks ago while I was miscarrying and I was sent away in tears because they were arse holes so and wouldn't do anything at all. I am not willing to sit in a&e for hours again but today I've started feeling better, temperature is normal and I just feel a bit dizzy and blocked up now. I'll call gp tomorrow though and see if they'll do anything, they said they wouldn't scan me last time though :/
They sound like a bunch of knobs. As you've been unwell, They really should scan you just to make sure everything has passed. They have a duty of care. Try to be persistent with them, mention your fever etc even if it is subsiding.
instead of going into a&e try phoning a specialist epu unit East i think that is your area ish? some you can self refer yourself for. They are usually a lot more sensitive and a lot more caring/concerned plus you don't usually have towait around for hours on end... well.... sometimes you do... but i would defiantly try them first.
hi thanks everyone. I searched all the EPUs in my area when I was pregnant because I was desperate for an early scan but they all said gp or a&e referral but I'll have a look at that link Eryinera. If I phoned hospital, who would I be phoning exactly? My fever has gone (I think) and I was feeling a bit better yesterday for a few hours and then felt very dizzy and had to lie down for the rest of the day. Last night was hell as the aching came back and my eyes are hurting like hell again this morning so I've taken the day off work (with much resentment from my boss who is making me feel awful about it but I feel so ill and am so stiff that I can barely walk to the toilet). I'm waiting for the gp to open at 9 so I can ring and ask for a doctor to call back. Not sure how I'd get anywhere for checks though as oh is the one who drives and he's gone to work. I'm hesitant to go to any doctor or hospital on my own after how horrible it was last time.

Update: Eryinera thanks for the link but unfortunately all of those units are quite a way from where I am (Aylesbury) x
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What I would do then is call your local epu i think it's this one...

Stoke Mandeville Hospital
Mandeville Road
Aylesbury, Bucks.
HP21 8AL

Clinic Times: Mon-Fri 08: 00-14: 00
Referral: GP, Midwife, A&E

Tel: 01296 316469

and say you just need to ask a few questions as you think you are having a few complications with the MC and your gp can't see you but you are worried. mention the dizziness and having to lie down mention the fever you had a few days ago. Ask what your options are and if they say you need a gp to refer you then beg plead bribe them to refer you to the epu.

edit: when i was dizzy a few days ago i called my epu and they told me to phone for ambulance. tomorrow im going in again and im getting a taxi x x
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Argh well the gp just phoned me back and spoke with me for all of 2 mins. It was the same one who said my mc would pass naturally and that I didn't need to see anyone. She asked me my symptoms and I told her all of them and she said "It's not going to have anything to do with the miscarriage to be honest with you it just sounds like flu. If you're still feeling bad in a few days then feel free to call back but just rest". Greaaaat. I hope she's right but I do find it odd that it's getting worse again rather than better. I'm going to have a nap as I can't face doing anything else right now and my eyes feel like they're falling out but I'll phone stoke mandeville when I wake up (thanks again Eryinera) xx

P.S. Pregnancy tests say negative, so does this mean I have had a complete mc?
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Hi Laura, I would insist on a scan to make sure all mc tissue is gone. I would ring back GP and even if you have to exaggerate your symptoms I would. Don't ignore your instincts it is better to get the all clear so that you have peace of mind. Sorry you lost your baby bean x
Im really shocked they seem so hesitant to see you, with my MC, I knew I was ok and it was passing naturally but they wouldnt bloody leave me alone, ringing me all the time and getting me to come in for bloods and scans weekly.
This should be the norm whether you want that level of involvment or not.
Especially with your symptoms, you could have an infection so they should atleast give you antibiotics as a precaution and a scan to see if you'll need any medical management.
Kick up a BIG fuss if they continue to fob you off, I think EPU is your best bet, and just tell them you are very concerned with the way your doctor is handling it and you're worrying about infection as you've been feeling so rough and getting worse.
Hope you get what you need!!! xxxx
I tried ringing the EPU and GP again and still got treated like an idiot and felt really embarrassed so I gave up. The good news is, I'm feeling a lot better finally! ClimbingRose I am also shocked at the lack of support after miscarriage and I'm not really sure why it has been so non existent.. I wonder if it's because I am youngish? I'm 21 and when I went to the doctors to make a booking appointment (I needed to register with local gp first so I went in) the receptionist actually said "are you thinking of keeping it?" :O xx
How rude! I'd seriously consider filing a complaint. Xx
Thats so bad! Its none of their god damn business how old you are or what your choice would be, they should remain professional at all times.
Saying that, my treatment by the receptionists and doctor of my surgery was very insensitive and hurtful too, but EPU were good if a little over zealous to be honest.
Glad you're feeling better, perhaps consider a change of doctors.. to a more family friendly one perhaps?
Can I just change doctors? I was under the impression that I could only use my local GP because I'm in their catchment. Or did you mean use another GP within the same surgery? I've never even met this woman in real life but whenever I phone to speak with a doctor, it's always the same woman that phones me back. Well I'm not ttc for a little while yet but when I am pregnant again I'm going to consider doing everything privately because the nhs has just been crap! xx
We have one particular gp in my surgery who is a first class prick. I'd rather not bother than go to see him. I'm sure he has a competition to see how fast he can get you out of the room. He's also very rude. You may have more than one Dr surgery in your area so worth a check, that or try another gp x

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