AFs after mc


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2007
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In August I had a v early m/c - not a chemical pregnancy as according to my GP it had implanted and my womb had "reacted" to being pregnant.

All my life since my first AF they have been agony every time. The first AF after my mc was only a little painful (as in ooo a little twinge) and v light. I assumed my hormones hadn't resettled.

My second had no pain at all :shock:

My third has just hit and although I was def. hormonal (full blown PMT looking back :oops: ) again I've had a few twinges and kept expecting the full pain to hit and it hasn't :shock:

I had no medical management of my mc - except for check ups during and after.

Has anyone else found that their AFs changed afterwards?
mine just seem to have more clots still (tmi sorry). ONly had one proper AF now but if it gets me tomorrow i will let you know (stay away god damn you!! )
Glad they are less painful for you
Hi Libs

Can't really be much help with this one as I'm still waiting for first AF after m/c at end of August :shock: . I suppose that in itself sort of answers your question; I've gone from 33-35 day cycles to none at all so yes, I think it definitely changes things.

I think a few of the other ladies on here have commented how they've noticed a difference in their cycles after m/c; I know it's a cliche but I guess everyone really is different and a lot depends on how soon your hormones settle down and your body gets back into its natural rhythm.

Emma x
Hiya, my AF has changed too. I have stopped bleeding after having M/c. 3 weeks later AF came. It is just very light, just slight spotting lasting a week now. I haven't had any pain and don't know what to expect next. Hope all goes well for you. Lots of baby dust xxx
Mine have changed too, how strange. I used to get killer backaches, they've gone since the M/C, AFs just seem much less of a nuisance since. Is that a silver lining? lol

I have had two MC's and I found the same. They are now lighter and much less painfull.

Take care!
Ive just replied in another thread aswell saying that my first AF after M/c was awful, very very heavy (they we're heavy before but not that heavy) to the point that I had to lie in bed to stop me loosing so much blood as it was making me really ill and dizzy etc. I have heard that alot of people get lighter periods and not as painful after m/c though I just think I must have been one of the unlucky ones :roll: :lol:
Thanks for posting this as I was just about to! Mine have changed quite a bit. Ok I've only had 2 since but both times I've had spotting two days before which I've never had and they've been SO heavy and clotty (sorry for TMI). I mean if I hadn't had done a HPT before my last one I was wondering about a chemical pregnancy because it was majorly heavy to the point where I didn't want to leave the house but only for a day. Glad it's not just me- how weird.


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