Travel to hospital


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
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Just wondering how people manage the journey to hospital while in labour? I had a home birth with my first so didn't have to travel during labour but I certainly couldn't have sat in the car... Bit worried as our journey will be at least 30 minutes.
Haha, yeah I wondered this too.
I was induced with mine so was not in labour until after I was at the hospital and settled in lol.

This time I'm planning a homebirth and I must admit I also questioned how you could bareto get in the car and travel to the hospital in labour.
With my other two, within an hour of contractions starting I was walking round & leaning over during contractions, then got in the large bath at one point etc. Certainly couldn't have coped with a car journey.

I'm also 20 minutes from the hospital and that's with minimal traffic.

Out of curiosity, if you had a HB with your first is there a reason why you aren't having a HB this time?
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I had to be transferred into hospital afterwards and lost out on the bonding time with my daughter. I had decided against having a home birth for exactly that reason but labour was a lot faster than expected. I would prefer another home birth really but it isn't practical with our daughter in the house and I really don't want to be transferred again (it took about 2 hours!)
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I can honestly say the travel in the car isn't the most fun experience whilst in labour. And one of the reasons I don't want to go to hospital this time is because I don't want to give birth in the car if labour progresses as quick as it did with James. I'm also 30mins from the hospital in good conditions xx
How did you sit? I saw someone on EastEnders (lol) kneel backwards on the back seat on the way to hospital which I imagine would be much more comfortable - I couldn't sit at all once my waters broke let alone be strapped down! But it'd obviously be pretty dangerous, especially as most of our journey is on a dual carriageway. We're likely going to have daughter in the car anyway so probably not an option. Don't want her seeing me in labour pain!

How quick was James? I have similar worries about giving birth at the side of the road. I've already been told to head in as soon as I have a contraction this time just in case so hopefully I can get there before contractions are regular, but all depends on when it happens. I am concerned it's going to be extremely stressful compared to a home birth and am tempted to reconsider but I blame the transfer to hospital for a lot of our early issues last time and don't want to have the same regrets again.
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I sat in the passenger seat, but had to have my feet on the floor to lift my bum up and my arms supporting me as I couldn't sit because of the pressure.

My labour was 6 hrs from the first niggles like BH, but at 1:30pm the mw's were reluctant to let me go to hospital as contractions were too close together, not long enough and not painful, I just had this extreme pressure so wanted reassurance. Got to hospital at 2:35pm and he was born at 3:03pm after my waters broke at 2:45pm and I needed to push straight away. Active labour recorded as 1.5hrs. I'm just worried that I can go from being perfectly fine to needing to push without warning.

Did your daughter not get to stay with you when you transferred? I've been told if I get transferred after baby is born they come with you in the ambulance.

I'm hoping to labour at night so the boys are both asleep so childcare isn't an issue, but if during the day and I can't cope with them around they are going to my in laws xx
Mine was 4.5 from first contraction. I only had a couple the first hour so didn't even tell my OH. But then my waters broke and it was all go from there. He called the MW when he got home and they didn't even want to come out as said it was too early. By the time they arrived and examined me I was fully dilated so it was too late to do anything but birth at home (although they did get an ambulance out ready).

My daughter did come in the ambulance with me but I couldn't even see her. I only got a few minutes with her after she was born as once they had decided to admit me she was taken away. I know they were looking after me (she was fine) but looking back just fills me with sadness as I just remember wanting to hold her and not being able to. Probably be the same in hospital but at least there wouldn't be an ambulance ride in the middle.
For the first 2 hours I was at soft play with Harry lol I was in denial anything major was happening. That's sad that you didn't get to stay with your daughter once admitted to the hospital. I luckily got 3hrs with James before I was taken to theatre for manual placenta removal under a spinal, but think if I had to go straight away from him it would have affected my experience. I can imagine a hospital ride in the middle of it all wasn't fun at all. I'm just praying all goes well and I get the homebirth I'm imagining xx
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Eeeek I definitely wouldn't have made a 30 min journey when I had our first baby. Luckily our hospital is less than 2 miles away and I arrived 10cms dilated with my waters breaking all over the place. My husband threw a duvet into the back seat and I just lay across it - but I won't lie it was not pleasant (and my Mum had to collect the duvet to have it thoroughly dry cleaned!)

I am definitely planning a homebirth this time around and I will just transfer to hospital on the day if I feel I need to.
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i just sat in the passenger seat however my whole labour was about 36hrs and went to hospital 12hrs before she was born after my waters broke. was definitely the longest 20min drive i've ever had and i felt every single bump in the road, forgot about it though tbh once i was in hospital, after the 24hrs i'd already been through i was just glad there was an end in sight
The trip to the hospital isn't fun. A lot depends on how long you want to labor at home. I labored at home until the last possible minute last time and I barely made it to the hospital in time- checked in at 5:O9pm and my son was born at 5:17pm. It was intense. I want to labor at home as long as possible this time too but the trip is 20 minutes with no traffic so I'm slightly concerned!
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I want to labor at home as long as possible this time too but the trip is 20 minutes with no traffic so I'm slightly concerned!

I totally understand this as my first birth was very similar - difference being that I didn't know I was in labour at home until my son was really on his way! That is why I'm planning a home birth this time with the option of going into the hospital on the day if I feel I want to. i just want everything to be ready at home in case it happens even faster.
I know i have ages to go but ive too been curious so wanted to know. My hospital is about 10-15 minutes away but my and OH dont drive so we'll have to get a taxi!! Im terrified.
I've had better journeys then when in labour but it wasn't too bad. I was sat in the front with a pillow under me and a bin bag over it.
My contractions were pretty much every few minutes and we had to do a drop off too on the way.
We did a 20 minute journey in about 10 minutes at 1 am.
The walk from the car park to the maternity dept was the worst part x
Mine with DD1 was pretty horrendous and they tried to send me home but there was no chance I was leaving. It's even further away this time too because I've moved and my OH is a terrible driver lol
I always travelled OK in the passenger my last labour I made my then husband drive around for over an hour over every bumpy road he could fine to try and speed up the contractions lol. It's a good 20 minute journey to the hospital but I've always manage to time it so in not too uncomfortable when I go in x
This is actually my big fear.

Everyone assumes because I had a good easy first birth Ill be more relaxed but as it was an induction I was in, settled, in control and aware of my labour progression.

My waters went at 2.30am and he was born at 4.26am once classed 10cm he was out in 9mins.

I would actually rather another induction. Then Id be more relaxed but the thought of having to go in the car is haunting me. When my waters went I had to be wheeled round to delivery suite and I couldnt sit. I did manage it but I was like I cant sit I cant move :lol:

Loads do it, I just hope my second ill be able to look out for ques and leave early enough before the contractions peak. Im 25mins frm hospital. I think ill just put my mums seats down and lie in the back and boot.

I imagne it look like a kidnapping, me lying in the back screaming my lungs out but whatever works lol.

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Thanks for replies. I still can't really imagine getting into the car during labour, unless we're fortunate enough for things to start while OH is home so we can literally leave after one contraction.

OH would prefer me to have a home birth. He wanted that last time too but he doesn't seem to acknowledge just how bad I feel about being transferred into hospital last time so we can't have a real discussion about it.

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