toys for a 2month old


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2005
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can anyone recomend any good toys that are suitable from birth? We got Ella a playgym but she isnt that interested in it yet, she just likes to look at the mirror and the hanging monkey! She also likes to look at lights, does anyone have any good toys which have lights on that they found were a good buy?
how do I edit a post? that was meant to say 2month old not 21month old lol
little button on the right hand corner of your post, next to quote :D

I got rubie this thing which lights up and turns round and plays a tune. the pictures make a light display on the ceiling, if that makes sense? I havent tried her with it yet but I'll let you know :D
I bought the baby einstein beethovan dvd. Seren ,loves looking at it as it has movement and lights. I am getting a bit fed up of the music now though. She also has one of those light things which go on the ceiling, a winnie the pooh one. She will watch it for a bit but it doesn't last long :?
yay thats better thanks kim! I want to get her something like that where it shines lighs in the celing, Ella is still in her moses basket does it attach to this or can they only be used in a cot? Beanie I might try the dvd too :-) becuase she has started to become more interested in the tv!
It just stands on the shelf. The higher you put it, the better the display so I'm gonna put it on top of the wardrobe. It was aright bargain, £3.50 from ex catalogue shop, it was faulty and didn't light up but I fixed it, I was soooo proud of myself, a proper bob the builder lol

Isaac loves the Baby Einstein neighbourhood animals dvd and he has a cloth playgym but his favourite is an electric playgym arch thingy from boots that has a big suns face on and two dangly things that he kicks. I dont lie him underneath it, I put it over his bouncer where his feet are so he can still look around the room and have a good kick at it at the same time! He also likes his swing when he is sleepy in the day and he likes me reading him books. Soon he can go in the door bouncer, can't wait to see his face when he can stand and jump a little bit lol

Lou :)

I have a Whinnie the Pooh light one that displays on the wall btu ive yet to try it out in her Whinnie the Pooh room :D .
Will do somtime this weekend.
OMG, I cant belive I cant remember what she played with at that age. Im a bad mother :D . We had a baby gym from birth that she stared at but other than that I cannot remember.

She was very interested in her surroundings, trees was a favourite but that was in the summer and the trees had leaves. (i dont live in the garden by the way)
When ds was about that age I got him the vtech soft(it's not soft lol) singing phone and I just used to hold it in front of him to look at and he adored it, still loves it now but he can push the buttons himself now. It's from 3 months old but they love looking at anything with lights and I thought it was brill!
Lou I cannot wait to get a door bouncer! I think they are great how old do they have to be?
I have ordered a winnie the pooh light show im sure she will love it, cant wait for it to come now, only question is though wont this send her to sleep rather than stimulate and entertain her?
Hi lauz,

Have a look at this website, I have ordered some new born toys, it is really informative and the toys are under sections 0-3 4-6 9-12 mths etc Also there is a section called Child develpment, it talks about the skills a baby has at an age and how to develop on it.

Hope this helps


Just tested the link it works but you have to choose the site two down for some reason but it does take you through, Also forgot to mention when you click into each section it is broken down in to sub sections like movement, sensory skills, language etc on the left hand side.
Thanks sarah thats brilliant, Im on the site now will order some stuff :-)
I ordered the cot mirror but I ordered it from this website It is cheaper and the delivery is free on orders over £10, its also good for a range of other stuff not just toys
Hi Lauz

Thanks for the site I have added it to my favorites for later use.


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