good toys for tummy time?


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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ruben doesn't mind being on his tummy, but after a while he gets bored as even though i place toys in front and the side of his head for him to look at they're just not as interesting for him to look at and play with as his playgym which he loves having a good ol' bash at when he's on his back. he can hold his head up and look around, and also pushes himself up on his arms for a good while, so i do think when he gets mardy after a while it's boredom! i was wondering if any of you guys have suggestons for toys that are good for tummy-time?
I got this dead cheap fold out book type thing from Asda for about £2 called a tummy time soft book- it has a flexible mirror at the end of it and bright colours and I prop it up in front of him when he's on his tummy- he really likes the mirror. Other than that I got a really bright red wooden ladybird toy that you pull back and shoots along the floor. It's not supposed to be for little ones because of the wheels but since I'm always with him when he's having tummy time I think it's ok and I only get it out then. I also roll balls in front of him and he has started trying to stop them now. I have to say I was worried about him not learning to crawl as he hated being on his tummy a few weeks ago and screamed if he was on his front but since he's learnt to roll over he's much happier on his tum and reaches for toys and books out of reach and tries to wriggle on his tummy towards them- phew!

p.s. he still gets grizzly after a bit though as he's not so good at flipping himself back. Last night he threw up his carrot dinner after going on his tummy- nice!
Brody has one of these, it's fab!


He much prefers his tummy now, and will roll over to stay on his tummy for ages.
urchin that looks like just what i need as he loves mirrors!! where did you get it from???
Seren has that mirror!! she talks to the other baby :D . i got mine from babies r us. its made by manhatten baby, i love their stuff.
Yeah it's a whoozit mirror and I got mine from John Lewis, you can get them online, ebay etc.
It's been one of my best buys, not that cheap (a tenner) but worth it for how much he likes it :)
Reece has got something similar to Brody's but it has a pat mat on the front so he can play with the fishes. i got it before Reece was born on internet. It's by baby einstein and i paid $16.99 for it. Dunno what that is in pounds :?

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