Totally stuck with this reflux thing :( - Update 30/7


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2007
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So I went from SMA gold to C&G comfort. It smells awful, is a pain to make up and she's probably throwing up about 80% as much as before and her nappies are disgusting (she is very uncomfortable when they are even a tiny bit dirty). Even with cream she has started to get a horrible rash.

HV just keeps suggesting weaning in a few weeks (which I feel she's totally not ready for) and that she's fine because she's still gaining weight and that the ultimate choice of which formula I use is mine.

The only thing I can think of is infant gaviscon. Do I go over the HV's head to the GP to ask for it? My friend's LO had reflux and it helped him immensely. I don't want to outright suggest it myself.

The only advice my mum had to offer was "this wouldn't have happened if you'd breastfed". Yeah, well, I would have if I could have.

Sorry for the rant girls I'm a bit upset about it all and currently feeling a bit useless about it all :(
yup, just go to the GP - gaviscon helped connor greatly. he only needed it for about 2/3 weeks and his reflux settled right down. i don't use it any more cos he's rarely sick these days :D :D
I agree that you should see your gp. Gaviscon is definately worth a try, it won't do any harm so you've nothing to lose.
I hope the reflux is better soon :hug: :hug:
sma do there own relux milk hun i made a post about it its in a purple tin not sure if it would help but it might be worth a try :)
good luck
Manda&Thomas said:
sma do there own relux milk hun i made a post about it its in a purple tin not sure if it would help but it might be worth a try :)
good luck

Got an appointment for next Wed. I've put her back on the SMA gold for now because at least she was comfortable on that if wet on her clothes! Was going to stick with the comfort until next week but she's just had another gross nappy and wailed the place down.

We tried the SMA staydown but it was waaaaaaaay too faffy. It has to be mixed at fridge temperature and brought up to no higher than room temperature or it won't come out even a fast flow teat! Thank you though x
Logan was being sick almost every feed on SMA Gold so i changed him onto Aptamil. He's only been sick once since. It seems common for babies to be sick on SMA Gold as it's quite rich compared to some others.
I think in Logans case though it was due to him being used to breastmilk rather than reflux, the aptimal has a consistency very like breastmilk.
We changed James to Aptamil and also got the doc to prescribe Gaviscon - she watched James feed and vomit everything back up so knew it was reflux. The Gaviscon made a big difference for a while. Now he's weaning he's a lot less sicky too. I think you can also get Gaviscon over the counter so you could give that a try.
Oh cool thanks, might go and speak to our local pharmacist tomorrow and see what he says.
Hi! Infant Gaviscon worked for us too! But it made Danica really constipated :( We had to go to doctor's again and ask for Lactulose :D
We started weaning Danica earlier (HV advice) because of reflux but to be honest I am not sure it made that much difference. gaviscon made things better but her growing and her stomach developing made the most difference.
As to breastfeeding and reflux, I don't want to offend your mum, but bfeeding has nothing to do with it. Danica was on breast milk when she was diagnosed. At their age it is a 'mechanical' thing: the muscle that is supposed to close the stomach when the food gets in is not developed enough so it lets food out. And given that they only drink milk (liquid) it is so easy to slip back. Infant gaviscon doesn't actually do much other than thickens the milk.
I hope I am not sounding too 'preachy' :D
i meant to add that connor is breastfed and he still got reflux - as marijana says, its to do with their oesophagus being underdeveloped, rather than what they're fed
Marijana FC said:
Hi! Infant Gaviscon worked for us too! But it made Danica really constipated :( We had to go to doctor's again and ask for Lactulose :D
We started weaning Danica earlier (HV advice) because of reflux but to be honest I am not sure it made that much difference. gaviscon made things better but her growing and her stomach developing made the most difference.
As to breastfeeding and reflux, I don't want to offend your mum, but bfeeding has nothing to do with it. Danica was on breast milk when she was diagnosed. At their age it is a 'mechanical' thing: the muscle that is supposed to close the stomach when the food gets in is not developed enough so it lets food out. And given that they only drink milk (liquid) it is so easy to slip back. Infant gaviscon doesn't actually do much other than thickens the milk.
I hope I am not sounding too 'preachy' :D

No no of course you don't sound preachy I appreciate the advice. As for not offending my mum, well, I was offended by her and told her exactly what you said there. She was so convinced it was the SMA and I got a "humph" when I told her she was still being sick with the Cow and Gate (though it was thicker so ever so slightly less but coupled with the diarrhoea I'd had enough) so it's clear it's something physical.

Will let you all know how we get on next week - the doc we're seeing is an expectant daddy so he goes all gooey over babies and is very sympathetic and helpful with things so we'll see what he suggests. Thanks again all :hug: :hug:
Well we're back from the docs. He suggested the Gaviscon before I did. Becky took one look at him (he did our first injections) and burst into tears (the "I'm terrified" tears, not because she was hungry etc) and he was quite offended :rotfl:

So here's hoping it does something.

On a side note we had just stepped out the surgery, she was in the baby carrier and threw up all over herself and I so I stopped to get a muslin out my bag. An old woman sneered at me and said "well that's a pretty sight now isn't it?". :(
yeah defo go to the GP and ask for it, explain your situation. Shes your child, the HV is only their for advice!!

Good luck

Caitlyn is on infant gaviscon and it changed her completly, she screamed thru every feed and took an hour for 3oz, now she can have 4ozs in 20 mins!! and no screaming
Good luck with the gaviscon it seems to work for Eva but it took a few days before we really noticed the improvement.
And ignore unhelpful old bids who feel the need to comment when your poor baby is swimming in sick :wall: :wall:
That's fab that you've got the Gaviscon. Hope it works for you :pray:

And that old cow needs a slap.

Connie had 'tummy time' at a friend's house yesterday and barfed, which was amusing as it ended up all over her face and in her eyes and everything. She thought it was hilarious and laughed! :rotfl:
Just want to say thanks to all and WAHOO! We've had no major pukeyness since the tiny bit yesterday! Yay!

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