Total loss of symptoms really worried!

x Naomi x

Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2007
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Well since about 3 days ago, i have stopped feeling ill, and my boobs are back to normal, not sore at all, although this pregnancy it was just my nipples not my actual boobs that hurt anyway

Still weeing quite alot and have a little backache but thats it

I am really worried i am having a repeat of september as on week 5.4 last time i stopped feeling ill and then started spotting - i am on week 5.3 so a little too close for comfort

has anyone else had a total loss of symptoms and then been ok?

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
I had exactly the same thing. In early pregnancy i felt sick my booblies were really painful (like you just my nipples though) etc etc and when i got to about 6 weeks everything but the tiredness went and by the time i saw the midwife at 8 weeks i was sure something was wrong because i knew the hormone levels were supposed to increase until you were 10 week anyway i mentioned it to my midwife who said the scanner was free so they popped me on it and there was baby phump bobbing around quite happily. So please don't worry.

My midwife said some ladies bodies just get used to the hormone and cope with it better.

If you continue to get worried though mention it to your midwife to see if she can put your mind at rest.

Take Care

Thanks hun nice to know it doesnt always mean the end is nigh

I googled loss of symptoms and its either the start of a miscarriage or like you said just the body getting used to that level of hormone,

Everything else about this pregnancy has been different - i have had strong tests from the beginning and no spotting on the day of AF which i had with the other two so kinda hoping that this one is stronger

I was still up at 1am and 5 am peeing so am hoping that is a good sign

I just need to get throught these next few days and i might feel a little better

I am also thinking - I havent been at work for the last 3 days so maybe thats why i dont feel as rough because i have been chilled out? Wouldnt explain the nipples though!

:pray: :pray: :pray:
:hug: Try not to worry - it's such a complex thing, how our individual bodies react to the hormones. And they can be up and down from day to day....I stopped feeling sick at 8ish weeks then it came back a couple of days later with a vengence! xxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm sure you'll be fine hun

Thinking of you- boy this is difficult isn't it

my boobs only hurt for the first couple of weeks, only sympton i have now is being tired. maybe we r just lucky
thanks hun, really hope it will be ok, wish there was a pill i could take until i get to 12 weeks lol,
I haven't really had many symptoms at all and I was worried too. I checked with the midwife and she asked if I wanted to be throwing up. I said no, but in a warped way, I suppose it would have made the pregnancy feel more real. Anyway - she said I had the vital symptoms - missed periods, tiredness and no other bleeding. She told me to relax and trust my body. It's easier said than done and until my scan I will still feel a bit nervous, but in some ways, no news is good news (I hope!!)
:hug: nw1 i am really worried also i have just got passed the excitement of finding out about my bfp now the worry has set in :roll: but i think we just need to get on with it and try and not get stressed and take one day at a time as whats going to happen will happen and the stress isnt good for us or the baby
My symptoms were very on and off up until about week 9 (when they came with avengance and still haven't gone away). Mine would also dissappear for around 3 day's sometime's and it had me so worried, because like you I lost my symptoms a couple of day's before I miscarried my first pregnancy. But bub's is still hanging in there for me and scan showed a healthy little baby. Try not to worry hun, I'm sure everything is fine :hug:
my first and second pregnancies were completely different. The first pg didnt give me any sickness till about 8 - 10 weeks then didnt last long but with number 2 the symtoms were there before the bfp. The third made me slightly nauseous but nothing tremendous.

Also, with this bug going about you might have been feeling a bit sick and thought it was pg symptom but in actual fact your symptoms might be just about to surface soon

Dont worry :hug:
Hon if their not there atm its highly unlikely theres anything wrong...

I bet by today your boobs will feel lke someones been at em with a cheese grater...
My boobs haven't been sore for AGES - think they were for a few weeks then stopped.

Everything will be fine! Just wait till u reach 20 odd weeks and everything hurts all the time :lol:

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