Tooth ache - PLEASE help :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Im so convinced i have an abscess in one of my back teeth. It broke a little about a year ago, and the other day noticed it broke pretty bad again. well it didnt hurt or anything untill last night i got NO sleep and the pain is just getting worse by every hour!

Im terrified of dentists and really freaked about going. But ill do anything to get rid of the pain. I just hope they have an appointment.

My question is, did anyone have severe dental problems durin pregnancy, what could they do for you? and
sorry to hear you are in so much pain hun, I don't really have any advice but just wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
And I also have a BIG phobia of the dentist even though I have never had any treatment so shouldn't be so scared! I'm a complete wreck even going for a check up so you are not alone! :hug:
i feel like an idiot going, and kinda embarrassed. from the front my teeth look perfect, white and straight, but im so convinced they're gonna find like a whole in every one and ill need them all removed! AHHH!!!
I have such weak teeth due to lack of calcium as a child and overload of penecillin all my life. I have 3 i know of that broke.
shamefull huh!
Sorry advice, but just wanted to say i hope you get it sorted!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I too had very bad toothache about a month ago so can sympathise :hug: :hug: :hug:
Mine was a wisdom tooth that had become infected - I knew it should have been taken out several years back, but again, dentist phobia alert, I'd left it! Typically they always start hurting at the wrong time! Anyway, I got a appointment, dentist immediately put me on antibiotics to reduce infection and swelling, and the next day pulled the tooth out under local anathaestic! All over remarkably painlessly! Unfortunately you can't have an x-ray - I was lucky that it was my wisdom tooth and they're quite happy just to pull those out!
I did have toothache earlier in the pregnancy, and fortunately it went away after a few days. Hope you get it sorted, a visit to the dentist is never as bad as you think it will be! Good luck :hug:
thanks guys. went into the hospital emergency, as its very late here. they confirmed, its an abscess, and gave me pain medication and antibiotics.

have an appointment tommorrow with the dentist. UGH, nerve wracking! Ill let you know what they do, aparently over here in the US dentists are really nice and painless, ill soon find out.

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