too scared to give finger foods


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
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I have been trying Matilda with various 'finger foods' for last few weeks, she's had fruit which she jus mashed up and didnt eat any, bread which she manages to choke on, banana which she manages to choke on, today tried her with toast and she choked on that!, I'm now frightened to give her anything to try, any suggestions anyone??????????l
Can you get something that dissolves easily, like rice cakes? Over here you can get carrot sticks which are like wotsits for babies, they dissolve almost as soon as they touch the tongue so very little choking potential!
When you say choke do you mean coughing or actually going red/blue? If she's coughing then try not to panic, it shows that she's managing to deal with the bits that are going the wrong way even though it sounds scary.

Rice cakes are great to start them off with or you can also get baby safe feeders which you can put fruit in for baby to chew on but they can't get any lumps out and choke. I've not tried them but I know some people rave about them :)
i actually spoke to my hv about this on monday as im terrified of giving christopher finger foods :oops: she was very reassuring offering advice
what kina says is right they all cough and splutter lots but its part of the learning process they have to learn how to deal with their food and it should settle as they get more used to eating finger foods
at the moment i only give finger foods when o/h is also at home as im a bit more confident with him here too and im making myself give him something at least once a day we are just doing rice cakes and the organix baby crisps (carrot sticks tomato rings etc) at the moment these melt really quick when they come into contact with saliva (try some for yourself ) hopefully my confidence will build up quickly and he will be having loads more within a few weeks
tell your health visitor how you feel mine was great and told me there are a lot of mums out there who feel the same about finger foods she also showed me what to do if christopher does start choking which made me feel a lot better as i didnt have a clue
Thanks for the advice, unfortunatly we dont have HV over here and you cant get rice cakes or baby crisps etc, there is only 2 choices of jar food, either chicken or fruit!!!!!!!

I will ask my mum to send me some over, I think you do just panic though, but today she managed to bite off half the piece of toast and was then going bright red in face, my DH would keep her on liquids if it was up to him!!!!! guess just keep trying, little each day! This is the baby that when her 1st tooth came through she managed to bite off a piece of a 'bicky peg'!!!!!!!
hi tuck

oran used to be the same when I first started him on FF. He used to what I called ''choke'' all the time and I quite litteraly crapped in my pants (think I posted about it here) but I persevered and he got better and better just chewing of littler chunks as he got better. He was the same, if I gave him toast he would shover a quater of a piece in at once and Id haveto pull it out! Tell you what I used, dont know if it helped him or he would have got better by himself but ASDA (I know you dont have asda there but might find an equivelent) do Ginger Buiscuits which are rock hard which I used for teething cause he also used to bite the biggypegs or anythig else in half and he never once choked/coughed on them! no he eats all sorts. A good one to try, pasta peices, like the spirals as they soft and slippery so she shouldnt choke it should slide down when she swallows!

HTH and good luck
pieces of cucumber are good becuase they are mostly water
I didn't start Jake properly on finger foods until he was about 10 months old because I was really worried about him choking. He did have Organix carrot stix(like big wotsits) before that because they melt in the mouth so I felt confident letting him have them. When I did start Jake on more finger foods he took to them really well and now I let him have pretty much anything. I wouldn't worry too much about giving her too many finger foods yet but maybe get some of those carrot stix or something similar that melts in the mouth. You can gradually start giving her more then as you get more confident about giving them to her. After you have tried those carrot stix you could try toast(again) and rice cakes.
The munchkin food feeder is brilliant for the worry of choking tuck;
I put cut up tangerine in it so Isaac gets fresh orange juice as the skin can cause him to spit-up.

All LO's will 'choke' to some degree as they're so used to swallowing liquid and puree, but they have an excellent gag reflex, so choking is very very unlikely :hug: :hug: :hug:

Try peaches, cucumber, kiwi, jacket potatoe, anything without its skin on, because the flesh of the fruit and veg is very mashable, its usually the skin that causes problems, but as she grows more familiar with her finger foods, leaving the skin on with give her more of something to hold onto as it were.

I think Rusks are bad, they are soooooooooooo sticky and gooey and get stuck to the roof of the mouth, at least with fruit and veg they spit it out :D Organix is a great range, if you can find it over there, these are the stores that stock it :hug:

Don't stop offering her finger foods, she can only get better, and even if she doesn't eat anything, tis getting her used to texture, smell and making it fun will encourage her enthusiasm in food, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks everybody, next time we go up to town I'm gonna have a look in the 'british' shop and see what they stock, I'll try her with fruit again and see how she gets on.
im REALLY nervous with finger foods too. i prefer to only give when theres another adult in the house i'd be terrified if she started choking and i couldnt save her i wouldnt kno what to do either :( (gonna ask hv 2mro at baby clinic!)

try putting plenty of butter on the toast so it breaks easily and turns mushy easily. and if u hav bite-size rusks or baby rice-cakes over there try them?

i kno its so scary isnt it. good luck :hug:
i know how you feel i used t be petrified of giving finger foods (i have posted on her at some point) but it gets better andi am not so nervous now i started giving willow organix carrot crisps so she got used to it i did give her toast ocansionally but not often, i have just started giving her cow and gate biscuits and heinz biscottis which are like biscuits and she loves them and doesent have any problems with them sometimes a big bit will go in her mouth and i worry but i just keep an eye on her and before i know it its gone and she is shoving it back in again.

good luck hun it does get better honest.

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