Toddler Naps


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2013
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Help! Alex is 2years 5 months and hasn't napped in weeks! He used to go to nursery in the afternoon and would nap in the mroning before hand but he stopped this so I changed him to morning nursery sessions in the hope he would go down when he got home but nope!!

He is shattered but as soon as we put him to bed (even with his full routine of a book and lullaby toy) he turns in to a wild party animal! As soon as we then go out the house later on he will fall asleep in the car.

Is this the end of naps?! Or some toddler sleep regression?!

With baby no.2 due soon I don't think I'm prepared for him to drop naps!
In exactly the same position Belfa!! DS is 2yrs 8m and rarely has a nap now unless he falls asleep In car. He still mostly needs it too as by bed time he's a nightmare some nights. If I can get him to nap at home it takes some real coercion. I think they stop needing them at 3 so perhaps we are both heading that way but no2 is due in Dec so really could do with him napping! Fx both just having a phase...!
I hate to say but it's probably the start of him dropping his nap :( My son is 2 years and 3 months and has only had about 3 naps at home in the last 3 weeks, on days when he hasn't napped there is a danger of him falling asleep late afternoon in the car or pram so I have to try and keep him awake. He's just started nursery one day a week and he has a sleep there. I've got a 6 month old baby as well so I could do with him napping however the baby's not great at napping in the day either now so basically none of us get any rest in the day! x

My daughter is 2 years 5 months, and I'm 38 weeks pregnant. Some days she will sleep in the day, but even if she only has an hour and I make sure she's up by 2.30pm, she'll still be awake at half nine - like tonight!!!! Other days she won't sleep, but she'll be out for count by 7pm. If it's a day where she hasn't slept then I don't dare take her out in the car after 3pm.
She goes to pre-school 9.30-12.30 twice a week.

I think (sadly) that it's the end of the day time naps!
Well I suppose I'm glad I'm not alone but I was hopin it was just a phase lol!

My friends with 3 year olds have said their kids now nap again as they're in nursery 5 days a week and I guess it's more intense learning than what pre-3 year olds get so I'm holding on to that hope lol x

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