Today I look like a ........ updated with Picture!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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piece of streaky bacon :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: but hopefully :pray: soon I will look like a bronzed goddess :wink:

I went last night to a tanning salon and had a full body exfoliation and St. Tropez applied, was lush however when I got to the high street, I couldn't see the shop so I parked up (without thinking) and off I set on my little feet to find the shop. All was well until I looked in the mirror and realised that I had to walk back down the high street looking like I did to the car :oops: I was so embarrassed, it would be the night that lots of men were out n stood at the cash machines too :oops: the best was when I got home and DH thought that it had all streaked and was really worried for me :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I am bridesmaid at my SIL wedding tomorrow so hoping that once I emerge from the shower I look like a different person :D


Here is a piccie of me and my little munchkin, the excitement was too much for him though and he had to have a sleep!!

My 2 friends came round after having a fake tan and they looked like a couple of oompa loompas, :rotfl: I couldn't help but laugh, think I upset them abit :?

I personally prefer the more unhealthy option of frying in the sun :)
I look great even if I say so myself :wink: it looks really natural and I don't have any streaks :cheer:

ie never had fake tan i always do it wrong, i leave the sun to do its work,but there isnt any this year but then again im pregnant so i dont really mind, theres no way i intend on getting my body out like this, lol
I hope that I have added the picture properly, it took a few goes!!

you loom stunning :D

Little man is looking so cute
first time i have been able to put a face to your name

your very attractive yummy mummy 8)
Thankyou everyone, it's amazing what a tan, having your hair and makeup done can do :wink:


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