Toby Hunt Birth Story (and a few more pics!!)

OH he is beautiful, congratulations. :D

Please make sure you write to them to complain as it is disgraceful the way you was treated.
Congratulations - sorry to hear you had such a traumatic birth, enjoy every minute with your new bundle x x x
Congratulations on the birth of Toby, Valley Girl.

Please make sure you write and complain about your treatment. It took me 4 months to write my complaint letter (due to care I'd received antenatally), but I did it, and I feel so much better for it - better that they know how they made me feel and its a huge weight off my chest.

Enjoy your new precious bundle, he's just beautiful.

Valentine Xxx
What an adorable baby you have there! And so much lush hair 8)

I am so sorry you had such a terrible time, but well done for getting though it and congrats on your beautiful son.

Meg xx
he is one of the most adorable babies i have ever seen, he looks so much older, what a cutie and although difficult definately worth the wait
Hey, sorry you had a tough time of it.
But WOW your son is so gorgeous, so adorable! Made me really smile when i saw him, he's perfect!
OMG, you poor thing. You really went through the mill.

Glad everything went ok in the end though. He is lovely x
That mustnt of been very nice being in that positon and noing that something wasnt right but not being able to convince someone.

im glad everything worked out for you and Toby aswell. I LOVE that pic of him with his eyes wide open lol

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