Elliot Xander Duke!..birth story and pics

Oh he looks just like his Mummy, he's absolutely gorgeous! I'm so happy that you have your little angel, your story made me all emotional :cry:
Congratulations to the whole family xx
what a lovely story u have me wellin up :cry:
congratulations and well done.
welcome Elliot, he's just gorgeous.
Congratulations. Welcome to the world Elliot. He is absolutely gorgeous.

Alisondue21stOct said:
Aww thankyou for all the kind comments.

Jayceesmumma, thankyou for sharing your experience on the togue tie thing. Summer my first baby is also tongue tied. I wasnt given the support to breast feed back then and ended up giving in which im so so pleased i didnt this time. She hasnt had hers cut and my doctor has said it isnt bad enough to be done. We have a referal for Elliot and hope to see someone about it really soon. He is managing to feed ok now my milk has come in but latching on is difficult and hes giving himself wind as it makes him gulp a lot of air. Bless him! Hope your s get sorted soo!

Love ali xxx
Thats good that it wont affect her, like it hasnt me! Hopefully ur lil man will be ok too!
Glad the breastfeeding is going well!
So happy for u, ur story had me in tears (happy ones!)
Well done, hes amazing! xxx
What a labour, I bet he is worth every little pain. Im so pleased for you that your little boy has made it into the world and is healthy. A massive congratulations
wow what an amazing story and the pics are just fantastic... You have both done so well and you must be so pleased.

:dance: :dance:
Hes gorgeous!!

Congratulations such a lovely birth story!

Congratulations Alison you deserve it babe!

Enjoy your new son!
WOW your story brought tears to my eyes. That must have een such an emotional moment for you.

Congratulations to you and your family, all the best.
congratulations hun, hes so gorgeous bless him take care xxxxxxxxxxxxx
OMG :cry: :cry: I'm balling after reading that! Well done hun he's absolutly gorgeous! :hug:

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