To work or not to work?


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I am due to go back to work on 1st September for 3 weeks before starting maternity leave but since having the bleed the other day I am now nervous about going back.

I need to drive about 50 mins each way to work and if I do go back it could be very stressful if the head teacher asks me to cover classes I am not familiar with teaching work I've not planned myself. I wasn't told to take it easy because the doc just came in and discharged me and left as he was in a bit of a hurry but I have an appointment on Tuesday to check all is well.

I do feel a bit delicate at the moment and feel nervous about moving around too much and ever pain/ache makes me worry that I'll start bleeding again. I just don't know whether I should go back to work or just start maternity leave on 1st Sept. The reason I was going to work up until 38 weeks was because I wanted maximum time off with bubs after but I don't want to risk her health or my health by over exerting myself.

What are others doing who have spent time in hospital or had bleeds during late pregnancy?
i havnt spent time in hosp hun but go with your gut instinct as to what is right for you if your nervous then stay home xxxx
My leave was actually meant to start at the beginging of august giving me 6 weeks or so for myself and to geteverything ready. My department didnt ort out approphriate cover so i ended up working still (although less hours)

After my last bleed on saturday I decided enough was enough and I have stopped now. I dont blame work because although my job is stressfull, i think im just a stressfull person anyway but i now im thinkin i need to concentrate on me and the bubba.

Its totally up to you and how you feel at the end of the end of the day, if your worried dont stress yourself out more by taking any chances xxxx
im hoping to work until 37wks, which is end of oct, because thats when i find out if the job cuts are going to be me :-( but if for any reason i cant manage or get ill until that time, im not going to risk it, i dont think its worth it if it might harm you/ baby,

good luck
to be honest annie, if you dont feel comfterble with going back to work i dont think you should.
I'm a teacher too and although am not due until November 5th am hoping to work up until half term which is 38 weeks. Was all keen to do this until this last week when I have been having SPD pains and finding it hard to move around. I think I'm in a similar situation to you at school Annie in that I don't have a class as such but will be covering anyone at any point, including NQT time every Friday. Am beginning to get a little worried it will be too much, but really want to go as close to due date as possible before stopping for more time after baby is here.
I have no real advice as such! Just empathy! :friends:
Thanks hon. I'm supposed to be doing a literacy project and am happy enough to go back and take small groups but I don't think I could manage the stress of a whole class at this stage of my pregnancy.
If you really can't imagine yourself at work then just start mat leave early honey! I'm going at like 36 weeks with 2 weeks holiday before that, so can definately give myself time to prepare and above all, relax and shop for Xmas! Lol. I think your body may be tellin you to slow down, but of corse that's up to you to decide x
Hun from what your saying...i wouldnt risk anything and stay home. Yours and the babys health comes first xx
I wouldn't risk anything either Annie and all you're going to be doing if you do go to work is thinking 'should I be here', 'is the baby OK' whereas if you're at home you know for a fact that you are doing everything you can to look after yourself.

What I would look at though is how much notice you have to give work of a change of maternity leave date, esp if its for the start of term, the head will need to make arrangements earlier - don't let that worry you though (I'm a teacher too and know how guilty I feel when other people have to cover stuff for me), it's their job to sort it and your job to do what's best for you and the baby.
Thanks girls- I'll see what the consultant says tomororw.

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