

Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

I dont write on here very often but I do look on here most days and follow what you are all up to! I was just writing to try and get some advice really, I work in a gym/leisure centre in the reception and since I have been pregnant I have had no Health and Safety done as far as I am aware and I have been made to do loads more jobs including working behind the club bar and cooking food in the small kitchen after the chefs have gone. Apart from my health and safety they also haven't confirmed any of my maternity or holiday application, I leave this Saturday and I have requested 2 weeks holiday and then to start my maternity leave on the 21st of June, but the manager hasnt even verbally said that is okay. Who should I contact about things like this?! And they have treated me so appalingly that I would quite like to report them about doing no health and safety for me but I dont know where I can go to do that?! and also is it a legal requirement that they should of done it!? Sorry that this is sooooo long!!! :) x
Have you given them your MATB1 form?
I would get something in writing from them asap - just for your own peace of mind.

I didn't have any health and safety checks done either - think they expect us to grumble if something is wrong :)
I didn't have health and safety either and nothing in writing from my work place. I'm not sure who you can complain too there should be some line manager to report too or procedure in place pending how big your work place is? Good luck, hope it all gets sorted for you :)
I work for the nhs and havent got any confirmation was just given the number for payroll x
Did they do a risk assessment Hun , I got given a less duties when work found out I was expecting and I was also under the impression your work need to confirm your maternity leave in writing. Have u give in ur matb1 form? . Can you speak to some one in HR xxx
Hi Ladies,

I dont write on here very often but I do look on here most days and follow what you are all up to! I was just writing to try and get some advice really, I work in a gym/leisure centre in the reception and since I have been pregnant I have had no Health and Safety done as far as I am aware and I have been made to do loads more jobs including working behind the club bar and cooking food in the small kitchen after the chefs have gone. Apart from my health and safety they also haven't confirmed any of my maternity or holiday application, I leave this Saturday and I have requested 2 weeks holiday and then to start my maternity leave on the 21st of June, but the manager hasnt even verbally said that is okay. Who should I contact about things like this?! And they have treated me so appalingly that I would quite like to report them about doing no health and safety for me but I dont know where I can go to do that?! and also is it a legal requirement that they should of done it!? Sorry that this is sooooo long!!! :) x

And it is a legal requirement to do a risk assessment I had them done every 6 weeks xx
@ were so lucky to get risk assessment done. I didn't have anything!!....

@ Florajoy Like the ladies are saying...did you fill in the MAT1? This is what I did. I was supposed to leave work next week and had 4 weeks holidays to take. After I handed in the MAT1 form I requested my holidays as well. Speak to a ACAS as well, this is what I did at some point when my company was refusing to give me a day off.. they are very helpful and they will hopefully be able to suggest something to you.
How do work places get away with not doing them .... As soon as work found out I was pregant they reduced my duties and done a risk assessment straight away . My work was brilliant through my pregancy.
Did they do a risk assessment Hun , I got given a less duties when work found out I was expecting and I was also under the impression your work need to confirm your maternity leave in writing. Have u give in ur matb1 form? . Can you speak to some one in HR xxx

I just got told to keep away from xray and anaesthetic machines that was my risk assessment. Im stil having to run around like a crazy woman and as a result today my ankles ballooned and they had to send me home x
Hey! Yea I gave in a matb1 but they haven't confirmed anything! It's so annoying, my work place is rubbish anyway and it Just annoys me that they can get away with not doing anything! X
O dear they are pants!! Is it a big company, cos I would go higher up, like head office will have a pr department , head office would sort it out in a flash as they would understand how important this is! X x
When I gave my MATB1 in I asked for confirmation that they had received it. So now I have that email as proof should anything go wrong :)
May be best to ask for something in writing - even if it is just a sentence!

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