To call or not to call ** I went in**

Elfs Mummy

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2010
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Im yet to feel any movement today which is slightly unusual but not that unusual normaly i would use my doppler to check but the things broken soo should i call delivery ?? xx
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I would call, youshould ave felt something by now. Before calling, lie on your back for a bit ad relax, baby should move after awhile. If still no movement then you need to call. At 30 weeks you should have a bit of a movement routine going on.x
If you are worried, definitely call. It's what they are there for! :)
i would hun. u shudof felt something by now.
although i had this a few weeks ago n went in and everythin was fine so im sure everythin will be fine but better to get checked n way hun :)
Please call Monkei, I was having only a little movement although I knew baby was moving he wasn't as active and I ended up having him delivered a couple of days later at 30+2. Do you have any other symptoms? Are you quite large for dates or anything like that?

Sorry I don't wanna scare you but pls get it checked. I had a scan and found my boy had developed Non Immune Hydrops. It literally developed in a matter of a couple of weeks, all previous tests had been fine.

I hope all is well hunni xxx
Yeah I agree, just to be on safe side you should make a phonecall. I'd have a poke around as well, see if you can get baby to move. X
Drink somethin cold and full of sugar and eat some chocolate...then lay on ur left side,if u don't get 10 movements after an hour then ring!! xx
I would definatley ring, there are notices all round my hospital saying if you dont feel movements to ring, and dont rely on your home doppler because it can be a sign of something that a doppler wont pick up, the sign actually tells you not to buy dopplers cause people are relyig on them instead of going to seek medical help, i only rememebr because my husband read it and said no we not buying one of those now. I must admit though when i went in my last pregnancy with not feeling movements they start moving as soon as they ut the belt on you to do teh trace of the heart and movements and midwife said these should be supplied with your notes and if oubt put one on, so i would suggest if you have any pants that are a bit tight round the belly, ( abit not strangling) put them on and see if baby start to kick at it, but definately phone they prefer to see you and nothing be wrong than you sat at home worrying or worse still have a problem tat can be sorted.
Just got back, apparently they can't moniter me so they've boooked me in for an emergency scan and i should get that appointment through in the next two days. Thankyou guys for all your help im hoping she starts moving more later she has a good stong heartbeat though

No other symptoms and im bang on size for date xx
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How come they couldnt moniter you hun?
glad there giving you a scan though to make sure everythings ok x
Yeah wonder why they couldn't monitor you? Glad you've got a scan time though, will put your mind at rest. X
Great news you have a scan for tomorow , good luck hun
Good luck tomorrow honey x
Nope she didnt even do that just said she was to small xx
How odd :S Don't get how they can tell that just by looking at you! lol
Im sure everything will be fine on the scan tho hun, i was measuring small for a few weeks, had a scan and shes measuring fine, even measuring a few days over what i should be :)
Hope so im really worried atleast its really early so i dont have to worry for that much longer xx
aww you'll be fine hun :hugs:
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