To breastfeed or not to breastfeed, that is the question

What about if say my nana takes the baby for a walk in the pram - would it be necessary for her to take a bottle of expressed with her or would it be ok without?

Depends how long she's going for, how far away you are and if baby is due a feed. If she's setting off from where you are and is only going to be 15 mins away then no, no need. She'd get back to you to feed baby.

I try and take Blake out in the pram in the afternoon after his 1pm ish feed. The fresh air means he usually gets a good sleep in. I don't then usually need to feed him until at least 4pm.
id love to breast feed this baby, i didnt with my son and i tihnk it effected the way i took to him at first,

erm only prob is i have inverted nipples so i dont even no if i can or anything, plus with my son i had a section which atfre wards i was in to much pain and on my own so need help of family so bottles were more convenient as my mum often would come an take him for a few hours so i could get some rest etc x
You can deffinitly bf with inverted nips nadine, just takes a bit more effort getting them to latch on apparently, and after you've breastfed for a while, they won't be inverted anymore lol x
im defo defo going to give it a good go, im not to bad with my nip there not badly inverted an will come out hahahahah sounds funny (what i thing to talk about i dont tel any one haha) but just hope i do do it coz it would be alot easier with also avin a lil 2 year old x
nadine i have seen a suction thing that is for inverted nipples it helps get the baby latched on

i love gemmas blog everytime i read it it makes me feel like i can breast feed and actually enjoy it :)
I'm swaying again lol. When I read Gemma's blog I want to and then I see Emmamb and flexilexi doing it successfully. But I'm mostly on formula feeding side although I do feel a bit guilty :cry:and no one has made me feel guilty its just me lol.

So here's my main reason why I personally don't want to -

I'm a bit of a control freak and I know there isn't alot you can control with a newborn but I really don't like the uncertainty of "I'll give it a go and if it doesn't work I've tried" Thats a fair enough statement if you can cope with BF not being for you and baby and you can cope with going into with an openmind. Becauseof previous mental health probelms I want to anything I can do to keep my stress levels down and I'm just worried that if breastfeeding didn't work for me I would be very stressed and upset - not good for baby. I know that I haven't come to this decision lightly and have asked mums on here and my friends with kids. Have thought about what it means for me and baby personally. I am dreading telling the mw my decision though as at the beggining I said I wanted to give breastfeeding a go. Hope you guys don't think I'm being selfish :(

I have a history of depression, and I too like to be in control- one think I'm dreading is having a spinal for my c-section as drugs are a no go for me cos I don't like feeling out of it.

Anyway bratfeedin freaks me out a bit, but I have heard it's not that word AND it releases loads of endorphins! So it should make us feel a lot happier
Go for it nadine, just give them a but of encouragement, an ice cube or something hee hee x
i love gemmas blog everytime i read it it makes me feel like i can breast feed and actually enjoy it :)

Aw thanks love!

Nadine - there is so much help and support out there. Research or ask about your local infant feeding team, la leche league group or breastfeeding support network. They visit you in your home to offer advice and guidance. They're brilliant!
I personally would recommend it, my son was 5 weeks prem and was in an incubator being tube fed for the first 4days of his life, and when I was finally allowed to try feeding him it made me able to start to bond with him properly, I felt I couldn't really before. Although it was difficult to get him started as he got tired very quickly and was having to be topped up by the tube, I felt he needed me for something and I finally felt like a proper mummy!
i dual fed a great option if u dont want to bf but want them to have benifits it can expressed and mixed with formuolar so u get best of both worlds
I was thinking about you Lisa yesterday. Just came back to find this thread to suggest some of these ladies message you as I remembered you combined feed. X
Me too! Maybe I'd feel more settled in myself if I could combine feeding. X

I am planning to breastfeed if I can. But if there are problems I will switch to formula. I also think I will stop breastfeeding after 3 months maximum. I'm quite private and the thought of breastfeeding infront of family, friends or strangers embarasses me.


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