TMI what do waters smell like?


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2010
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Sorry to be horrid but what do they smell like? I'm sure mine have been leaking(ever so so slowly) for a couple of days, not to the point where i need a pad or anything so like i said really really slowly. My waters have never gone by them self before, i had them popped with my first, then my 2nd an 3rd they went as i was pushing so i don't have a clue what it is like. Sorry for such a daft question. x:roll:
apparently its a sweeter smell than wee, i read somewhere its like a bleach smell - wouldn't know for certain as this is my first. it should be clear or have a pinkish tinge to it, not straw coloured like urine.

hope this helps and i reckon if you think its been leaking you should get it checked out, even if you're not sure what it is.
apparently its a sweeter smell than wee, i read somewhere its like a bleach smell - wouldn't know for certain as this is my first. it should be clear or have a pinkish tinge to it, not straw coloured like urine.

hope this helps and i reckon if you think its been leaking you should get it checked out, even if you're not sure what it is.
Thanks i think i'll put a pad on and see what it smells like, might ring midwife tomorrow see how it go's x
let us know how you get on, although I feel a bit weird asking for someone to update me on a urine vs waters situation!! lol
let us know how you get on, although I feel a bit weird asking for someone to update me on a urine vs waters situation!! lol
Haha!! it's defo not wee it's from the other hole (sorry tmi) Yes i'll keep you updated i hope its just watery discharge not my waters. x
Ooooh not sure what I'm hoping for-waters or urine! Lmao x my waters were broken by mw during DD's birth so I have no idea what they smell like x
Iv no idea either. But if you tell MW, be prepared to have a light shone up you!! Haha. I thought i was leaking mine last week and found myself with a spotlight in me and a mw asking me to cough! Was so emvarassing! Haha. Turns out i just had watery discharge! Lovely!


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