TMI alert.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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AF was due sign and BFN!

Yesterday, mid morning I "felt" like AF was here, so curiously went to loo and inserted a finger (I warned you) and sure enough, browny discharge, now this is odd for me as I usually have a ragging stomach then simply bleed!

Today, it seems to have cleared, and its not even been much, I've not needed tampon or pad. Could this be implantation?

I have no tell tale AF signs I normally have.

Thanks in advance for any help xxxx
I'm not an expert but could be implantation, brownish discharge sounds very much like it.
I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed that its a good sign, af stays away and you get a BFP soon!!!
:dust: :dust:
Aw Chazabell I hope it is your month, it could be a v light bleed which can happen to women when they become pregnant. I would have thought it unlikely to be implantation if your af is overdue, but you never know, maybe you ov'd later than you thought? Fingers crossed for you, the wait must be unbearable :hugs:
yeh i wouldnt say its implantation unless u ovulated later than you thought, was u using ov tests? Fingers crossed for you though, sounds promising :) xxx
:( the witch is here, good and propa! And again its so heavy and so painful!!

Going into my 8th month ttc now. 2 of my friends have just given birth too, so happy for them yet soooo jealous as 1 wasn't planned. Who knew it would be this hard to get pregnant?!?

Thanks girls xxxx
So sorry chazabell and sending you lots of :dust: for next month (treat yourself to a glass of wine whilst the witch is here!) x
So sorry chezabell. As above have a glass of wine and look forward to next month.
ah im sorry chazabel :(
fingers crossed for you next month!

I know what you mean! And even when you see so many really young girls getting pregnant and they dont want it, and us lot trying so hard, the months go by,it gets depressing but we have to keep our chins up, it will happen when it happens xxx
Bummer!! Get pissed, and order me a large martini whilst your at the bar, I have those cramps too! Bum bollox and nuts eh!

I was convinced August was going to be the best BFP month ever - But you know what - it has been pissing it down for weeks now and i reackon that no body has been out much and so september might just be the most BFP month of the whole year!!
Bummer!! Get pissed, and order me a large martini whilst your at the bar, I have those cramps too! Bum bollox and nuts eh!

I was convinced August was going to be the best BFP month ever - But you know what - it has been pissing it down for weeks now and i reackon that no body has been out much and so september might just be the most BFP month of the whole year!!

Starfish - your posts always make me laugh so much! I think you might have a point about September BFPs - has someone volunteered to host the thread - don't know how they decide who should do it but if you fancied it I think you would be fab!!!!

Jodie x
Oh sorry to here the witch arrived, sending you lots of :dust: for next month

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Sorry to hear! i think september should be a good month. OH and my birthday day after eachother so that would be really good! x
Thanks girls, all your comments make me smile, and Jodied...huge congratulations!

Ive had a bummer of a day, but gonna put it all behind me when i go to bed, its only a freaking period this space, we'll all have a BFP next month :) ......hopefully xxxx
Starfish - your posts always make me laugh so much! I think you might have a point about September BFPs - has someone volunteered to host the thread - don't know how they decide who should do it but if you fancied it I think you would be fab!!!!

Jodie x[/QUOTE]

Thanks Jodie, that's lovely of you! I have asked Helen if I can xx
So sorry chaz :-( bummer how the body plays tricks! Mine's been winding me up for going on 9 months now! Bestest of luck for next month being fruitful xx

Starfish - I see the makings of a brilliant comedy thread de-railer in the making with you!! :lol:
I love readin the posts on here ( even tho I have to constantly refer to the abbreviations)...... I'm in from next month so fingers crossed, love havin somethin like this to feel like your not alone........ Good luck and congrats to everyone who has Been successful in aug!!! Xx

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