Implantation bleed....who's had one and what was it like????


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Only asking because I think I might have had one last night. :pray:

I'm on day 26 of my cycle (never had a cycle less than 28 days in my life and average is 29) and last night I went to the loo and there was some browny coloured blood in it. I was convinced it was the start of AF so I put my big pants with a ST on for bed and when I've woke up this morning there's not a sign of AF. I've been to the loo this morning and it's just a slight brown coloured discharge. I've not got any AF pains either.

I've heard a few girls on here say that they had pink or brown coloured discharge and this wasn't like that it was more like the first signs of AF.

Has anyone had a implantation bleed and if so what was it like????

n.b My bbs seem to be bigger and are quite tender and my nips are on perma erect!! the little bumps around the nipple are more raised than normal too!
i got mine the day before af was due, all it was was a brown patch on the tissue when i wiped. good luck :pray:
i also have had this. i wiped my self and had browny pink discharge(ooooooo...sorry) so im hopeful this is implantation bleeding, but reading all your other symptoms it sounds hopeful
Just spoken to my midwife friend and she things it could be an implantation bleed.... :pray: :pray:
I just remeber it being a bit of brownish blood when i wiped after going to the loo with a few gentle cramps where the baby was burrowing in
hi chrissy,

I had very tiny spotting the day I was due on which was 2 weeks ago now and still no sign of AF. Not sure is that could of been an implantation bleed?

had any more news? hope you get your positive soon!

well this might sound crazy but i had mine the day after we BD'D. it was 2 days of brown blood. it happened 2 weeks b4 af was supposed to arrive.
mrs_tommo22 said:
I just remeber it being a bit of brownish blood when i wiped after going to the loo with a few gentle cramps where the baby was burrowing in

I've had a very slight crampy feeling too but I just put it down to the very early signs of AF.

I hope she stays away this month. She's due on Friday so if she's not here Saturday morning I'm testing!!!! :D
Good Luck - Keeping everything crossed for you BFP!!!!

How have you found your 1st 2WW I'm about to start mine now! And I'm anxious amount testing already!! :roll: :wall: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Does it fly by or drag!!!

This is our first cycle of trying and i think my body has been earing up for ovulating so we are BD'ing every night until i see a temp shift? Is this what you did? I don't know whether we are doing the right thing but i'm hoping so!

Bex :D
It's the longest two weeks of my life!!!!!!! :( :(

we haven't done the temperature thing we just BD'd every night until we couldn't take it anymore and then we just did it as much as we normally would..every two or three nights.

it has been the longest two weeks ever.....and the most wierd two weeks too.

in some ways I've wanted it to be over so that I know one way or the other and in other ways I've wanted it to stay away so that I AF doesn't turn up and dissapoint me!

I'm still feel like I;ve living on a knife and I think i will be until I either come on or get a BFP!

I've said to DH that next month I'm not going to TRY....we just won't prevent! It got a bit too regimental for me when we were doing it just because it was OV time...... I wanted to do it because I enjoyed it and WANTED to so if AF does turn up we're taking a much more relaxed attitude next month.

hope yours is easier than mine. :hug:
No I completelty agree!!! this is our first cycle and i'm fed up of Bd'ing already its just taken the fun out of it!!

So like you i think if we don't get a BFP next month will be less regimental and more relaxed!

I'll keep checking to see if you get your BFP!!! fingered crossed :pray: :pray:

Bex :D
Hi Chrissy, I think you and I must be TTC twins as your dates are almost the same as mine (today is day 24)! Last night I noticed a tiny amount of very pale brown discharge and then today I have had more of it. It's kind of like CM with a light brownish-orange tinge (sorry tmi!) I'm torn between thinking this is my AF starting to arrive early (its due this weekend) or implantation bleeding. I guess at least by tomorrow I will know if its AF. I tested with an early HPT this morning (10 DPO) and got a BFN but I'm just hoping against hope that it was just too early!

Isn't all this waiting and wondering awful?! I've never known time pass so slowly as this, I just want to know!!! Good luck and fingers crossed for you hon! :D
Hi, I cross my fingers for you!
Just wanted to tell you, implantation bleeding can also be like much so that ith Maheen, I never thought I could be pregnqnt because I "had my periods"!!!! It's only 6 weeks in that I realised it was not AF after all! :D

my AF has been 3 days late this month, and I felt so wired that I thought I might stand a chance, but now, AF really looks and feel like AF, so I am really confused... It took 3 days as well to really get stqrted properly, I mean it was a very light browny dischqrge at the beginning (sorry TMI), so I bought a test this morning, and I am probably gonna test in the morning... It's probably stupid and useless, but I still want to hope!
I'm probably crazy :wall: :wall: :wall:

good luck, and hopefully you will get a BFP soon :D

Mel xx
Daisy said:
Hi Chrissy, I think you and I must be TTC twins as your dates are almost the same as mine (today is day 24)! Last night I noticed a tiny amount of very pale brown discharge and then today I have had more of it. It's kind of like CM with a light brownish-orange tinge (sorry tmi!) I'm torn between thinking this is my AF starting to arrive early (its due this weekend) or implantation bleeding. I guess at least by tomorrow I will know if its AF. I tested with an early HPT this morning (10 DPO) and got a BFN but I'm just hoping against hope that it was just too early!

Isn't all this waiting and wondering awful?! I've never known time pass so slowly as this, I just want to know!!! Good luck and fingers crossed for you hon! :D

Same to you hun...... I'll be keeping my fingers crossed.

Mine was not exactly like CM it was more like when it's the last day of a normal AF and it's really light and you know it's just the very last bits......but it was more brown as opposed to the normal colour.

I've woke up this morning feeling soooooo sick. :puke: I've spent half of the morning so far just kneeling by the loo wretching for England but nothing has come out.. :wall: :wall:

Bizarly I'm trying to see feeling lack as a positive sign! :rotfl:

Just can't wait for it to be next week so I know one way or the other.

keep me posted how you go on.

good luck. :pray: :pray:
They are all promising signs Chrissy - I'll keep everything crossed for you!!!!!! :pray: :pray: :pray: When are you planning on testing?

Bex :D
Oooh how exciting for you Chrissy, feeling sick must surely be a hopeful sign? :D :D :D

Sadly it looks like my AF is now starting and that it's just taking a while to get going properly :( Still not a proper AF yet but getting more reddish now and increasing. Ah well, looks like this won't be my month, here's to going through it all again in a couple of weeks! :roll:
Daisy said:
Oooh how exciting for you Chrissy, feeling sick must surely be a hopeful sign? :D :D :D

Sadly it looks like my AF is now starting and that it's just taking a while to get going properly :( Still not a proper AF yet but getting more reddish now and increasing. Ah well, looks like this won't be my month, here's to going through it all again in a couple of weeks! :roll:

:( :(

Oh no I hope it isn't AF.

Any discolouration I had has completely gone now and there isn't a trace of anything.

When I first got it i thought it was AF coming early but I've never ever started that early in my life and now it's gone completely I haven't got a clue what's going on.

I've just realised that I've completely lost my appetite this morning too.......does that mean anything? Could be just because I'm feeling sick but by this time I've normally had my breakfast (cereal or toast) and a drink and a biccie at break at work but I've not eaten anything yet. I felt too sick to stomach any breakfast so I missed that completely. Then I got my break time biscuit out at 10am and I've had one bite and it's still sitting here staring at me!!!!!! It's normally last about 10 nano seconds!! Think I might throw it in the bin! :rotfl:

I'm actually due either today or tomorrow and we're planning on going camping in Yorkshire this weekend so if I manage to resist the temptation to take the tests with me and if I'm still not on when I get back Monday morning I will test then.

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: Please stay away AF...... I promise I'll never moan about how painful you are again if you just stay away this month (and the next eight) and let me have a bean in my belly xxx :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

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