Strange Bleeding


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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I'm currently on CD80 and still no sign of af. I had some slight brown discharge the other day and then after bding last night woke up to a slight bleed - though af was on its way but since nothing. I have been really irritable these past few days and tearful - i burst into tears making the bed the other day for no reason!!.

Are these signs of cysts/implantation bleed or could af finally be making an appearance?

Hello Sheree

If I were you I would get myself to the doctors, 80 days is a very long time. I feel worried for you :?

I have had brown discharge before my af shows so it may be on it's way for you!!!!

Is this your first af since coming off the contraceptive pill? My first af was 50+ days and I thought that was a long time, it took me about 6 months to get a steady cycle.

Good luck !!!
Hi Lindsay,

I came off the pill in feb, had a normal af 30 days late (usually 28 on the pill but didn't think that was too bad) and then i've not seen anything since. Bleeding seems to have stopped now even though i am still cramping quite a bit. I'm hoping to get a doctors appt for later this week if poss.

Cheers Sheree
Hi Sheree

Let me know how you get on at the doctors, you never know you may be PG - how cool would that be?

Take care xxxx
Hi'ya Well af arrived this morning - full force!! At least that explains all the cramps and the spotting yesterday. It was really heavy and painful this morning but seems to have trickled off to only light this afternoon. At least i know now that bcp is all to blame and that its just taken a long time to settle down afterwards. Hopefully the next cycle will be much better (unless i get pg in meantime). I am going to carry on taking AC as i do believe that they have something to do with it. At least it might have kick started things even though it took a fortnight to do so.

Thanks for the support.

Take care
Hi again

That's good news, I was worried about your cycle being so long. At least you can start again now!!

Lindsay xx
boy Shez that was a long time to wait. I hope your next cycle is either very short or non existent because of pregnancy!
Take care and good luck,

Yep very relieved that things could be getting back to normal again. I suppose it was nearly a record breaker. Anyway its finally here - hopefully the rest of them will be a lot more regular (unless get pg in meantime - fingers crossed).

Cheers Sheree xx

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