Implantation bleed....who's had one and what's it like????


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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Only asking because I think I might have had one last night.

I'm on day 26 of my cycle (never had a cycle less than 28 days in my life and average is 29) and last night I went to the loo and there was some browny coloured blood in it. I was convinced it was the start of AF so I put my big pants with a ST on for bed and when I've woke up this morning there's not a sign of AF. I've been to the loo this morning and it's just a slight brown coloured discharge. I've not got any AF pains either.

I've heard a few girls on here say that they had pink or brown coloured discharge and this wasn't like that it was more like the first signs of AF.

Has anyone had a implantation bleed and if so what was it like????

n.b My bbs seem to be bigger and are quite tender and my nips are on perma erect!! the little bumps around the nipple are more raised than normal too! :? :? :?
That sounds very muich like a implantation bleed, it sounds very much what i experienced with my pregnancies before they were confirmed
eeeeeekkk........ :pray: :pray: :pray:

I so hope so. :dance: :dance:

When do you think I would be able to test??

Af is due in two days so should I wait and see if she shows up first? :?
Hi there

I am new to this forum and need some advice.

I have a copper IUD fitted (however I cannot feel the strings). I have 2 children already and since the past 2 weeks have been getting pregnancy symptoms - the same as I did with the past 2 pregnancies. I am 3 days late for my period and yesterday afternoon got a little (spot) of brownish discharge. This discharge appears on and off when I wipe myself. It is still there today, again only when I wipe myself and not all the time.

I have had cramping for a few days too and my breasts are hurting badly.

I did a pregnancy test this morning which came up negative.

I know I am pregnant my body is telling me, but I did not have this bleeding last time.

Can someone please advise.

I think I just had an IB. It's like a browny discharge sorry tmi!!I'm getting excited...but I shouldnt be.Still 10 days to go...well I think...may be sooner on than I think.Iv never had this b4 dont know what to think...
I had an implantation bleed a week after conception. It lasted 5 days and was a very light brown staining (spotting) and not enough to need to wear a pad at any point.

I got my faint BFP about 2 days after it finished and a real BFP 3 days after it finished.

Good luck to you :)
I had an implantation bleed on the morning my period was due. I got a bit of pink when I wiped (normally it's red, but with it being the day I was due on I thought nothing more of it and put my Mooncup in).

When I took my Mooncup out that night, all that was in it was a kind of dark brown discharge, and very little of it, and then I bled no more.

I thought it might have been because I was on antibiotics and had just travelled 6500 miles, but then I looked up "light period" on Google and it seemed to match the symptoms for an implantation bleed exactly.

Because we had been actively NOT trying for a baby, and because of the travel and the antibiotics, I waited another 7 days to do the test, thinking that AF would appear any time, but it was POSITIVE!

We're in shock but very happy. Anyway, implantation bleeding can exist but I think it's generally best to wait a while to test rather than getting too hopeful because I suspect it would be really easy (hopeful thinking) to confuse it with a period, especially if you were TTC.

Hope this is helpful.

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