time to say hi and ask for advice! **UPDATE***


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2007
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hi everyone :wave:
(deep breath) its time to confess i'm a lurker - i have posted last year when i was having problems with my periods but haven't done much since then!
we've been ttc since april which i know isn't that long compared to some of the ladies on here, but this month i've been having symptoms that i don't usually get when waiting for Af - so after some advice please, i've looked online but these can all be linked to non pregnancy things.

- obviously no AF!!
- really sore boobs and i mean the shower and my bra make me cringe
- can't sleep at night, i'm 1 of the lucky people that can sleep no matter what!
- headaches
- getting up to wee at least 3 times a night
- period cramps for the last week - which are normal- but usually the day i come on

thanks Lou xx

ps - forgot to say my last period was 29/6 and i have a 32day cycle.

don't know how to put photos on here so i've added a link

what do you think guys??

Hi, welcome to the forum. It sounds very promising to me!! I had all these signs when i was about 5 weeks pregnant although they can show before. The only way is to test and since you are a few days late for your period, any test should give you a definate result. Go get yourself a test hun and good luck :hug:
Hi there,

Sounds good to me, I would definately do a test and that's the only way you will 100% know!
Good luck, let us know how you get on x
hiya :wave: does sound promising its so easy to symptom spot also i am doing it myself but the only way you'll know is to test good luck xx :pray:
Hi girls, can you only the name at the end of the URL (to share your chart) when you are a VIP member? I have tried to change my name but it says i have to subscribe. :doh:
:wave: Hi and welcome

It does sound good but like the others have said doing a test is the only way to find out for sure. When you do test make sure you use FMU (first morning urine) as it is more likely to pick up.

Good Luck :hug: :hug:
xxsammyxx said:
Hi girls, can you only the name at the end of the URL (to share your chart) when you are a VIP member? I have tried to change my name but it says i have to subscribe. :doh:

:think: :think: I am not sure myself maybe try the chart stalkers :)
:wave: Welcome :wave:
Get yourself a test! :rotfl: and let us know how you get on :pray:
Lurking's nothing to be ashamed of we've all done it!!!!

Test, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase :pray:
OMG, come on test test test... 24 hour Tesco!!! :D :hug:

Good Luck... :cheer:
WOW!! wasn't expecting so many of you to respond!! well been to tesco and boots and bought a selection of tests including a digital one and promise i'll post the results on here as soon as i know!

thanks for all the support everyone xxxx :hug:
louise_d said:
WOW!! wasn't expecting so many of you to respond!! well been to tesco and boots and bought a selection of tests including a digital one and promise i'll post the results on here as soon as i know!

thanks for all the support everyone xxxx :hug:

but when?? lol tomorrow morning?? :pray:
heehee :lol:
yep i'm going to hold on till the morning (somehow!!) OH goes to work at 6am and has made me promise to do them before he goes so i'll be on here early... if i ever go to bed that is!! hate not sleeping :wall:
louise_d said:
heehee :lol:
yep i'm going to hold on till the morning (somehow!!) OH goes to work at 6am and has made me promise to do them before he goes so i'll be on here early... if i ever go to bed that is!! hate not sleeping :wall:

The sooner you go to bed, the sooner you can see your bfp!! (possibly :pray: ) I really hope you get it Louise, its so exciting!
Any news yet?

Good Luck :pray:

I will have to wait till later to see what you get as no internet at work :evil: :evil:
... Well its 8am now...

I dearly hope you got bfp, but if it wasnt/isnt then crack on trying for next month :) We'll all still be here supporting you (even if u lurk, weve all done that!)

:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: 'ing for you still.

Let us know x

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