Funny time of month

It does sound good Gruntie. Maybe your body still hasn't got enough hcg to confirm?
Good luck :hug:
Thanks.. If AF still not here by Friday... will test again.... :pray:
Still no AF.. but i think shes on her way.... had really really bad pains this morning.... made me bed over in pain... :-(
tested 2 days agao.. is it too early to do another test?
some people dont get BFP's till there period is a few weeks late hun. :hug: As long as she hasnt arrived theres still a chance!
Still no AF ... 8 days late now... going to test tomorrow morning :pray:
Last couple of days felt a bit sickly in the mornings (was off work yesterday being sick).... but feel better today.... still getting bad period pains though!!!!
See this confuses me, if we are supposed to have been ovulating and conceived during the 7 days of our period and 7 or so days after, that would make you nearly 2 weeks, which in any case is too soon for a pregnancy test to show up.

Really, tests can only show 4-6 weeks when pregnant (according to medical advice). So really, if you conceived before your period, you could be anywhere between 4-6 weeks preggers by now? Or would I be stupid in saying that?

This whole thing confuses me!

I still say, the best thing to do is go downt he doctors, otherwise you will be expecting to be pregnant, hopes to far up etc. Least with the doctor you get an expert opinion.

Good luck though, I am stilla little confused over this whole pregnancy thing, so I may sound skittish!
It depends on how you class 4 weeks pregnant - your medical dates date from the date of your last period. So if you then ovulated 2 weeks later and the AF is due 2 weeks after that - that's 4 weeks.
That assumes a regular perfect 28 day cycle.
Some women can ovulate in the first week after their last period and some ovulate in the week before their next period is due, so obviously you can be out by quite a bit, and that's why a lot of women can have their due date altered after a scan.
A lot of the women TTC on here can tell you exactly when they ovulated - so they know when they are 14 days past ovulation no problem at all.
Hope that explains a little more.
Still no sign of AF... no postive result yet..... going to wait another couple of days :pray:

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