Threatened miscarriage and bed rest

So far a week no spotting. That's a good sign right? Slight pelvic stretching feelings. Slight nausea, moslty when I'm hungry. Tiny bit tender breasts. And constipated.

I have kept to bed rest and 3 more days till next ultrasound.

A bit more good news today. Babies heart beat is fine! It's getting bigger! Doctor was a bit more positive this time around.

The bleeding is getting less and less. Now only a bit left inside that's a bit pinkish.

But, of course there is always a bit, the baby is laying low to the cervix, which doctor said happens often at early pregnancy and can move back.

I'm in bed rest for at least another 2 weeks he said and have another apt next week.

I'm feeling so much more relieved now!
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Oh yay!!!! I bet that will make the coming 2 weeks bed rest abit easier for you :) Woo hoo, I'm very happy for you :)
Well that's good news glad bubs seems ok in there and you have some positivity. Hopefully the bleeding will stop and you will be ok now xx
Went to the doctor. I'm now not an emergency. So regular payments next week. But good news everything looks good! Next week they will tell us the due date.

Bleeding has stopped. Baby is getting bigger. Doctor still is a bit concerned the baby is close to the cervix entrance. But he says it's all with God now. Another week bed rest but I can start moving a bit more he said.
Well it seems as if you are going to be fine not every pregnancy goes by the text book. I was told that now they are doing early scans they are seeing things they didn't realise we're happening before. At one point you would have had to wait for 12 week scan by which time everything will have settled down yet what you and others have experienced would still happen just not be seen.

I do hope it works out for you so far it all sounds positive. Take care xx

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