thoughts on life after the baby...


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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I know its early and probably a little selfish to be thinking about myself and my life after the baby is born but i wondered what others thoughts on this are? Do you have a plan to do with going back to work, sharing the workload with your OH, losing baby weight etc?

Im really hoping i can follow in my sister in laws footsteps and be back in a size 8-10 within 6 months. I really want to be a happy confident mummy! x
i have spent all day thinking about how much my life is gonan change....think its starting to sink in today!!!

i am going to have 12 months off work, but am really going to try and get the baby weight off before i go back to work...i wont lose it quick, cos i dont...but im hoping with a combination of breastfeeding and walking with the pram...that the weight will shift.

i also want to try and get baby into a routine asao so that me and OH can still have some us time. i want to make usre that we dont lose our closeness and our relationship doesnt suffer. but we are very strong and so im sure that the baby will just make us even more complete

Well i plan to try lose weight straight away, just get straight to healthy eating and then when i can begin excercise. Im getting married next summer so i want to be able to do my wedding dress shopping towards the end of this year.
Im being made redundant so my plan is to look for work after christmas with a plan to get part time job starting in january. Hope it does all go to plan. My other plan is also to learn spray tanning and get money from that as i am qualified in acrylic nails at the moment also.
Like samsgirl i also want to work out a way that me and my OH dont lose closeness and keep our relationship as close as ever lol xx
i'm getting married 6 weeks after baby thoughts of being a slim bride have gone...ha ha. but i know i will still scrub up okay :) gonna get a flowing and romantic dress that will cover any baby belly and i have big boobs anyway so they would have looked big. ha ha.....

i will be a very proud mummy on the day and hopefully my OH will think im stunning anyway xxx
Ahh so annoying, wrote a big reply and then my internet decided to fail.

I thought arranging a wedding a wedding with a newborn would be stressful, never ming being pregnant lol. Go you!!
You will still look gorgeous on your wedding day though and ofcourse your OH will think the same. There are so many different styles and shapes of wedding dresses now that its quite good to get one to suit any body type.
Im slim built but had a wee belly before pregnant so if i havent got rid ill be wanting that covered up with something that flows out lol. xxx
wedding is more or less all sorted to be honest.......all paid for so far too so i know thats sorted. just my dress, bridesmaid dresses, blokes suits and the rings to sort! and we're done. the hotel we are getting married at have wedding co=ordinators and so it's all kind of done for you..which is great. plus it will help having a room there so all babies stuff can be left there and i have somewhere to go to to feed if i dont manage to express enough

have tons of support and lots of family members to should be okay :) bring it on i say..he he xx
I wont be working but Im hoping to get baby into a routine as soon as a I can as I never did with my son. I hope to lose the weight easily as I lost all my baby weight within a week of havibng my first .. but if not at least ill lose it over the summer here as its too hot not too lol
yeah i deffo want to get baby into a routine and get back to spending some quality time with my OH too. I want to try and get out a lot too - i think being couped up indoors all the time doesnt do anyone any good.

I have a friend whos getting married this summer 6 weeks after she gives birth too. Youre so brave! Must be lovely to have your little baby at the wedding though :) xx
it will certainly make for cute wedding photos....he he xx
We were due to get married early next year but we have moved it to summer 2012, (baby will be about 1 year then) which suits us as I'll be going back to work part time. I'm only taking 4 months maternity off and I hope in that time I could make good progress with loosing any weight I put on and getting to a nice shape so I can start wedding dress shopping next year :) I think it gives us a chance to sort everything out :) I'm sure the future will hold me and oh time, we just gotta get in a routine with everything :) xx
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I went back to a size 8/10 around a week after my son so i am praying for the same this time im not good at the working out a gym thing lol im going back to work after around 6-8 weeks but i work from home as childminder so my baby will be with me and ive changed my contracts so wont be nearly as busy.. I think its scary to think how different life will be but i bet after a week or so it will be like normal :)
I'm actually really looking forward to taking some time out, and just being with my baby. Can't wait to finish work for 10 months or so.
I'm really looking forward to having my baby at the start of summer and going out for walks with the baby and just enjoying being a mummy.
In terms of OH, he is self employed and works from home, so we'll get more time together once I finish work and will both be able to spend lots of time as a family.
To be honest the only difference with my boy will be that he doesn't dissapear at the end of the day I've been a childminder for the past 7 years so the only difference will be that he is with me 24/7. I would really like to get him into a routine as quickly as I can purely because i'm back to work within weeks of him being born but apart from that and the fact it's going to be very hard work i'm really looking forward to it! :) x
I'm having 9 months off work. I originally said I was going to go back to work for 4 days but am now trying to calculate whether we could afford for me to go back 3 days. I think I will regret going back 4 days and not seeing him as much.

I am a bridesmaid for my friend in December where I am wearing a fitted dress so I need to have lost the weight my then. I am hoping like Roo to go on long walks with him to burn off baby weight.

i hope i can go back 3 days.....fingers crossed xx
I am just going to enjoy being a mum and myself, OH, DS and baby being a family.....

When I had my DS I was so caught up in worrying and things I thought I should be doing - like losing the weight, feeding routines, spending time with OH etc that I did not enjoy it at all....
i'm hoping to just go with the flow and i hope i can pull that off.....cant wait to be off work and at home with my baby and OH. i have worked full time without any break in employment for 17 years.......good lord..ha im looking forward to being a mummy now...done the career thing xx
haha I am counting down the days to April 28th! My last day at work! I am planning on returning to employment - but I am not sure it will be with the same company - after years doing what I am doing I might just changecompletely and get a part time job in a supermarket or something....there are more important things in life than a career huh?

Enjoy being a mummy Samsgirl - it is a wonderful feeling....I just wish I had done it sooner with my DS - damn sure I am gonna do it with this one tho! Oh, if you plan to breastfeed for a long period the weight will come off anyways :) xx
yeah.......i'm a mortgage advisor and i do enjoy what i do...but whether i will want to do something as stressful as that once i'm a mummy....i just don't know yet. i hope to stay with same company and go back 3 days....but again...who knows! I have to do a bit of travelling at the moment and so if something came up with another company at a branch closer to home, then that may be an option. think i'm just gonna play it by ear.....take my 12 months off and then worry about it.....

gonna try and breastfeed for as long as possible.....have to get the hang of expressing so i have a good stock for the wedding day...and if i cant do it, not gonna beat myself up over least i will have tried :) xxx
that is a wonderful outlook hun! I wish I had taken the sae relaxed approached with my first lol x

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